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God. For all the bad things happen why did you choose this one? It's the first time I saw her. When I thought I will never fall in love. She came to save me. I never thought our first time meeting was a cause to all her nightmare. keluhnya dalam hati. Sebelah tangan dicekak dipinggang dan sebelah lagi memegang rambut depanya yang ditarik kebelakang.

"Kenapa dengan Is?"tanya Ren. Julian membasahkan bibir yang kekeringan. Dia kalut memberi jawapan. Sudahnya dia hanya memanggil Alatamis.

"Is, I thing you should tell them. Sooner or later, kau kena cakap juga."

"Cakap pasal apa?"tanya Ren mengerutkan dahi.

"Is, do you want me to say it or what?"

Alatamis akur. Dia kembali duduk disofa. Satu keluhan berat dilepaskan. Matanya tidak lepas memandang ke arah Ren.

"I'm really sorry. Ren."

Ren semakin kehairanan. Dia berdehem dan mula rasa tidak sedap hati. Baru sebentar tadi Adelia mengucapkan kata maaf kepadanya. Kali ini, Alatamis juga sama. Did they plot this or what?

"For what?"tanya Ren.

"I think this is all my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"5 years ago. I almost got married."


"Well, long story short. Healing attempt I go to the europe. Italy to be precise." Alatamis teragak-agak mahu meneruskan kata-katanya. Ren mulai rasa tidak sedap hati.

"I think the guy that you mentioned is me."


"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to all of this happen. At that time I was driving to one of the store. But that guy coming out from nowhere, so fast. I can't even do anything. I'm so sorry."

Ren, Yu Xuan dan Joshua terkejut dengan kata-kata itu. Mereka tidak menyangka itu semua akan terjadi.

"So, it's you. That's why you wanted to approach her?"Joshua hampir mahu melenting.

"No, no. It's not like that."

"Then what?"

"I fell in love at the first sight. What do you want me to do? After the accident I've been searching her for like 6 months. Then I give up. But then Julian give me a new hope. He said he saw her on a news. When that thing happens. Satoru death. But at that time we don't really know her or him. And Julian not even sure it was her. Because it's happen a few months back."

"This is such a mess. God playing around with us."keluh Yu Xuan. Dia menekup muka. Mencari ketenangan.

" I was so so... Surprise when I saw her last month. At that time, she doesn't even know me. And I didn't intend to tell her."

"Because you afraid she will hate you?"

"I told you. I didn't know. I wish I could turn back the time so, All that bad thing didn't happen to her. I swear. I'm sorry. I..."

"Jo. Be rasional. You not this type of guy. Just let him breath. Geez..."Yu Xuan mencelah apabila melihat Alatamis yang betul-betul dalam keadaan kecewa.

"Lagipun perkara ni diluar jangkaan kita."sambung Yu Xuan lagi.

"But, this is Lia that we talking"

Yu Xuan mengeluh dengan sikap overprotective Joshua itu. Dia tahu niat Joshua. Cuma dia rasakan Joshua harus kekal dengan peranannya yang selalu menjadi peneutral didalam hubungan mereka berempat. Rasional. Dia memejam mata rapat seketika lalu tersenyum.

Doctor, Can I Hit On You?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora