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"Moshi, mosh."kedengaran suara Ren memulakan perbualan dihujung talian.


"Nee-san. How are you?"tanya Ren dihujung talian. Adelia tersengih mendengar pertanyaan itu

"You sick or what?"

"What? It's normal conversation you know. Asking whether you okay or not."

"Hai, hai.. daijobu des. Ren wa?"


"So, Why you calling?"

"Ehhh, I can't even call you now?"rajuk Ren. Adelia tergelak.

"It's not like you can't. Since you dated Julian, you haven't really call me. So, I'm just curious. I guess."

Ren tergelak lalu kembali bersuara.

"Erm, I was wondering whether you okay if we throwing nabe party or sukiyaki on valentine's Day."

Adelia berjeda.  Valentine's Day? Owh, dah masuk February ke? Wow, lama juga aku kat sini.


Adelia mengeluh menghadap jalan raya dihadapan taman itu. Kalau kat Jepun mesti dah nak masuk musim bunga. Tekoma/sakura?. Matanya berair tanpa dipaksa. Ton suara cuba dikawal.

"Where are you now?"tanya Adelia.

"I'm still in Tokyo. Just checking if you're okay."



"So, nabe or sukiyaki?"tanya Ren apabila tidak mendapat respon yang dimahukan.

Adelia mengusik rambutnya kasar.

"Both are okay. Up to you."

"Nice. By the way, we meeting at your house right?"

Adelia terdiam. Bibirnya diketap. Alamak, Ren tak tahu pasal apa yang berlaku beberapa hari lepas. Should I tell him?

"Er... Ren."


Diam lagi. Ren mulai berasa kurang senang dihujung talian. Dia dapat menghidu ada sesuatu yang tidak kena.

"Nee-san? Is everything alright there?"tanya Ren. Adelia yang menyedari Ren dapat mengesan kerisauannya terus bersuara.

"Yeah. Yeah. Everything is alright."

"You're lying."nafi Ren. Adelia mengeluh kecil memegang dahi.

"Ren, I'm really okay. You don't have to worry. It just.... I'm not in my house right now. I'm staying with Joshua."

"Why? Why are you staying with him?"

"Er... there's something happened last few days."

"What happened? Don't tell me...." Ren tidak jadi meneruskan ayatnya.

Keadaan sunyi untuk beberapa saat sebelum Ren bersuara lagi.

"He's back. Right? Jim."teka Ren.

Bom! Ren begitu mudah meneka apa yang telah berlaku. Adelia terdiam. Tidak tahu mahu memmbalas kata-kata itu. Dia sendiri masih trauma dengan kisah lalu.

"Whatever, I'm going back to Malaysia."

"What? No, it's okay. Joshua is here. You just finish your job first."

"No. I'm coming to you. And after this, I'm not going anywhere. You stayed with me."

"Ren. Listen to me."

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