Dear Author

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Dear author,
I walk in a lonely world of technology too advanced, and where teens find joy in raves rather than reading. But not me, alone, I turn to you for devious dare devil adventures and contemporary coming of age journeys. I open your legacies and read. My surroundings slip away, as I am sifted into a new scene.
Where are we author? An 1800 renaissance town? A young pauper with dirt stained clothes rushes through the street sliding past guards. No one knows it but he is the lost prince of Carthya. Nielsen you are clever.
The image changes as I open a new book. I turn the tacky tattered pages and I'm knee deep in the middle of a wizards duel. Green spells and pink enchantments fly before my eyes. The hero is just about to defeat the villain when PLOT TWIST! Oh Rowling you're a classic.
Book by book the adventures change. I do enjoy your stories, but they're not all fun and games, they teach me. I have learned to be myself from Tris, to dream big from Tommy, and to always surround myself with friends, from Liesel.
But author, I'm scared. Will your stories live on in the hearts of fans, or will people swim in the river Lethe and forget you and your characters? I need you there so brother Alex can tell me to "viddy well" because no one else will. I don't fit in here and your stories can save me and my sanity from this broken world.
Dear author, I don't want you to go, I want your stories to continue on forever because you are my precious and together we are infinite.

I'm no PoetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon