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I struggle to talk about my own beauty. I can't look in the mirror, every day, and say "wow I'm beautiful"I goes more like "Alright, this is what we're working with today".I compare myself to everyone. I'm too short, too tall , too big, too small, brown hair. But I have someone in my life that tells me I am gorgeous no mater what. I guess it's cute, and it gives me butterflies but I don't always believe it's true. But, the person I am with sees me as beautiful on the inside and out. I see them as beautiful. I think they are stunning, beautiful, handsome.Yet, when I showed someone a photo of us, her response was "weird flex, but if he makes you happy".Then another comment that was "Yeah, she's the pretty one".What does that mean? Are my tastes not good enough? I beauty only skin deep? I cherish every moment we spend together.How am I supposed to feel when someone says that I am the prettier one, when I like this person so much? I don't know. Just venting food for thought. Beauty is a strange thing.

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