Changing my Texts

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*pretty tired, but this is something that, along with writing more, I'm trying to think about as the new year begins*
I want to change the way I text, I feel like I am passive aggressive. Normally if someone is going to hang out with friends I text back "okay I'll talk to you later, have fun don't worry about me, let me know when you're back." But that seems off. Why do I need to say all of that unless I want them to think of me? Almost guilt trip them. And that's not what I want, I want to talk but I understand friends are more important than me. And even there, the fishing for compliments phrase, I need to stop. So now, my text back will be "cool, have fun!". It's a lot shorter but now I feel as if I've lost a part of me in the text. It's all very confusing but makes sense to me and no one else I've explained it to. It's almost as if I'm reading too much into my own texts. Anyone else feel this? Being so hyper aware of yourself that you make things that aren't real? I mean, texting isn't the only thing I do this with, but I don't want to get into how self aware I am. for thought. Are you like me when you text?

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