· Chapter 6 ·

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I used my key to open the hotel room door, coming back from Morris's house. Before I could even open the door it swung open with Prince infront of me with a glare.

I frowned and brushed past him

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I frowned and brushed past him. He turned my way and stormed towards me.

"Don't go out with Morris anymore." He demanded.

"Shut the hell up. And what are you wearing? You look ridiculous."

"I'm wearing what I like. Now listen closely, I don't want you going out with Morris. I like you, Candice. I love you. I adore everything about you and you turn me on. I know that Morris doesn't like you like I do." He explained.

"S-Stop. You don't like me, stop trying to convince yourself. Morris does like me more than you do! He wouldn't have had sex with me this morning!" I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth. His face contorted into a dark frown with his bottom lip puckered.

Soon enough I was on the bed, cupping my cheek after his hand made harsh contact with my face. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't see through my tears.

His features softened briefly and he sat down next to me angrily, staring down at me.

"Why're you so jealous?" I said in a soft voice as I looked up at him. As I continued to talk he answered me with silence.

"What about the two of us having sex makes you so mad? Are you scared because he hit the spot that you couldn't?"

"He didn't hit your sweet spot." He scoffed.

"You don't know that. Maybe we had the best sex of our lives and I came better than when you had me." He breathing slowly got heavier.

"Shut up." He said firmly as I stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me while I broke into tears again.

I heard Prince sigh and walk towards the bathroom before knocking on the door.

"Open the door, Candice." I shook my head even though he couldn't see me.

"No. Don't speak to me."

"I'm sorry." He said sadly.

I sighed and rest my head against the door. Hot tears streaming down my cheeks. He knocked on the door again, slightly softer.

"Please.." He begged.

"I wanna go home." I said after I got up and open the door, my eyes still red and teary.

"Why?" He asked as he held onto my hand gently.

"I can't stand being around you any longer." I frowned.

"I'm sorry Candice. Don't leave me, I won't be able to do anything without my best friend with me."

"You'll be fine without me. Go fuck one of those girls in the crowds." I said as I reached for my suitcase. I began stuffing my clothes back in my suitcase frantically.

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