Chapter 3 - LOGS: #009 - #012

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Chapter includes:



For the first five seconds or so, the only thing audible was white noise and faint muttering, before the recorder was heard being shuffled around. Then, a voice spoke:

"Log date 2012-11-02. The Anomaly escaped; I don't know how. I've been studying and working and testing, but I've gotten nothing!"

Golf Ball stood over the unconscious body of her creation, while Tennis Ball stepped up from behind her. The Anomaly lay sprawled on the ground, with a nasty v-shaped tear above her left eye. It looked like it had been quite the violent cut, given the sharpness and size.

Unfortunately, she was alive. Golf Ball could hear her harsh breathing. However, it made sense -- after all, The Anomaly survived the incinerator. There was no way an explosion would kill her.

"I was shocked to see how far she'd made it from her containment cell. I suspect she had followed us the whole way."

Tennis Ball began, "Golf Ball-"

"Despite that, I remained perfectly calm and collected."

"Are. You. SERIOUS!?" The grey spheroid shouted, which didn't even cause the leaf to stir. "She got out. She got out! How did she get out!? I designed that room perfectly! Oh, and if someone saw her.."

"..Golf Ball,"

"What would that say for me? My reputation has already been run through the dirt thanks to that good-for-nothing Pencil spreading that stupid nickname around. What happens to me if they know I'm holding a deadly evil clone creature in my factory?"

"Golf Ball."

"How am I supposed to manage this? If she's somehow slipping out of the room I specifically designed to contain her, where am I supposed to put her? Augh, I should've tossed her in the incinerator a second time-"


Golf Ball whipped around angrily. "WHAT!?"

"Think about what happened last time." He offered with a tilt, shivering at the memory of being violently clawed by the botanical object. "Do we really want to just.. leave her on the ground? I know we're- I know you're-.."

"Where am I supposed to put her!?" She stomped closer to him. "I can't even trust containment!"

"..There's always that machine in the testing room."

The smaller globule paused. He had a point -- the machine, normally used to restrain her during tests, could be used as a placeholder. And, of course, they'd have to use heavy sedatives, both to keep her calm and to numb the pain of her injury.

She sighed. "..Okay. But, it will only be temporary -- she'll go back to her containment cell the second I terminate the slightest possibility of another escape."

"I've been scanning her regularly, but the results haven't given me much. All I know right now is that she's alive.

I have to hand it to her, -- well, not really, I don't have hands -- she most likely would've escaped the factory completely if it weren't for the explosion. Too bad for her. But, very fortunate for us- I couldn't imagine what she would've done if she succeeded. Obviously, she would've killed Tennis Ball and I, but.. after.."

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