Chapter 9 YES SIR

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"Not fair", Louis said.

"Life is not fair for common people, deal with it, my prince" Harry replied.

"you are making me late", Louis said.

"Latecomers should make 5 rounds around the field. You can ask anyone here, I make the rules", Harry replied.

Louis knew Harry was not joking. Harry hates him enough to drag him through dust and dirt on his first day.

"Sorry," Louis squealed lightly and pulled the towel off the other's body, and wrapped it hurriedly around himself.

running around and avoiding Harry's hands he took off to his bag grabbed the first things he found and run back to the bathroom.

"Fine, I won't be pity today but don't dress up like a prince for the grounds" Harry yelled.

"There is a uniform in my wardrobe" Harry continued dressing and left once is done.

Once Louis heard the door sound, he ran outside and dressed himself, and run off searching for the training grounds.

As soon as he opened the door and started to go out a hand came on to his waist.

Harry was waiting for him dressed fully in his military uniform, not like Louis's which was only a black tee and green trousers. Louis felt a chill in his spine, once he saw a fully grown man looming over him.

"Wrong side," Harry said.

"Follow me," He said walking off.

Louis suddenly felt a bit distant from the man walking before him, He was not used to anyone walking before him, everyone always escorted him, especially Harry.

"William" He heard Harry say and thought he was calling his subordinate.

Not hearing a response Harry turned around and leaned in Louis's personal space and said "I expect my subordinates to respond when I call them".

"Okay," Louis said.

It took him a minute to understand what Harry meant.

"oh, I William?" Louis said confused by the tone Harry used.

"Yes, you are William, what else you have expected me to call you on the grounds, your Highness, prince, next king," Harry said.

Grinding his teeth

"Louis is fine, you don't have to call me by my grandfather's name," Louis said.

"No, you are what I say you are, and the next you hear me say William you respond with YES SIR, loud and clear," Harry said.

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