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He was pacing again. Taehyung was trying to sleep (he knew he'd be unsuccessful) and the guy who lived above him was pacing back and forth and back again.

The man in the apartment above Taehyung's was pacing again. Taehyung stared up at the ceiling, eyes tracking where he could hear footsteps.

Taehyung didn't know the guy, only saw him in passing on the elevator or getting his mail. He worked strange hours, awake at night more often than in the day.

He'd joke about the possibility of vampires but considering he saw ghosts it wasn't much of a joke.

The footsteps stopped abruptly before trailing over to the kitchen. Taehyung assumed their apartments were set up the same way.

His musings on the mysterious neighbor were interrupted by thudding from the hallway just outside his door.

Taehyung crept over to the door, ignoring the shadowed figure standing by the shoe rack. He usually hung out there, a personal favorite spot. Still refused to say anything to Taehyung but it wasn't for lack of trying. He peeked through the peephole and saw the neighbor across the hall slamming his hand into the door, then kicking it.

He heard a loud groan of frustration and watched as the guy slid to the ground, hands pulling at his hair.

He should help. Or at least figure out what was wrong. How was he going to do this? It's been a while since Taehyung has spoken to anyone living.

Is something wrong? Ah, of course there is. Idiot. Can I help you? Better... What's wrong? That's it.

Taehyung opened the door, the words primed on his tongue. He forgot what he was going to say immediately, the young man looking up at him with the sound of the door clicking open.

Big, sparkly does eyes. A cute nose, two prominent front teeth... He looked like a bunny. Black hoodie, black sweatpants, and black combat boots. At least it matched.

"There's something wrong with you." Taehyung said, wanting to pull the words back as soon as he said them.

Those sparkly eyes turned watery, hurt flashing across the guys face.

"W... What?" His voice cracked.

"I mean, there's. You're sitting on the floor and I heard you pounding and... Sorry." Taehyung cringed, eyes closed.

"Did I disturb you? I'm sorry, it's just. My key got stuck in the lock. I'm Jungkook." The guy sat up, climbing to his feet. He held a hand out. Taehyung took it and dipped his head.


"Nice to meet you. I moved in just a couple weeks ago... I'm an art student. This was the best place I could find." Jungkook explained, looking around at the watermarked walls.

"It's not much..." Taehyung muttered, glaring at the flickering light bulb.

"But it's home." Jungkook finished, smiling bright. He seemed unbothered by the general vibe of the building.

They were still holding hands. A door slammed above their heads, making Jungkook jump. Taehyung didn't flinch. He was used to things like that happening, though it usually was only heard by him.

Footsteps on the stairs. Then pausing at the landing. Taehyung and Jungkook looked over. A figure, small and pale, peeking around the corner. He wore a grey beanie, black leather jacket, and torn jeans. Ragged and self-decorated Vans on his feet.

Taehyung assumed it was someone who lived upstairs. Normally he'd assume it was... something else, but since Jungkook seemed to also see the person, it was probably real.

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