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Jungkook, being a broke college student, couldn't afford much in the way of housing. When the landlord said what the rent was, Jungkook near immediately signed the lease, ragged backpack on his shoulders and stomach growling with hunger.

It didn't take long for him to unpack, it's not like he had much. Clothes hung in the closet, toiletries, and a few pots and pans his mother gave him. The apartment was furnished with a bed, couch, and kitchen appliances; the landlord had mumbled something about the former tenants leaving abruptly. Jungkook tried not to worry about that.

His neighbors were nice. At least the ones he knew so far. He hadn't heard much else of anyone living there.

Taehyung. Handsome, dusty blond hair and blank faced, those gorgeous eyes... like a stone wall.

Yoongi. Small, pale, dark hair... like a prince. Cat eyes, big hands, pink knuckles, pink lips...

Jungkook came back from his noon class with his stomach complaining and mind lost on his next art project. He leaned on the wall in the elevator, eyes closing with the gentle hum of the motor making white noise. It stopped suddenly, but not on Jungkook's floor.

The doors parted to reveal Taehyung himself, hands stuffed in the pockets of his flowy pants. Jungkook watched his eyes shift to the side, gazing at the empty space beside Jungkook before entering the elevator with a respectful nod.

"Hey. We meet again." Jungkook smiled. Taehyung simply smiled, silent.

"Hold the door!" Jungkook immediately slammed his hand on the Open Door button, eyes wide at the sudden shout.

Yoongi came waddling into the elevator, box propped on his hip. He set the box down with a groan and stood up straight, back popping.

"What's in there?" Jungkook asked.

"Speakers. Sound equipment. Etcetera." Yoongi grunted. He leaned on the wall next to the button panel, eyes closing. His chest rose and fell in steady rhythm.

"For what?" Taehyung's voice was quiet, almost lost under the sound of the elevator.

"I make music."

Jungkook shot up straight. Even Taehyung looked interested, eyebrows raised on his blank face.

"Seriously? Dude that's so fucking cool!" Jungkook exclaimed. Yoongi shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I guess."

"Anything we may have heard?" Taehyung rumbled, voice quiet.

"Ahh... That That? Suran, Wine?"

"Oh! I love those songs!" Jungkook exclaimed. He knew he must sound like an eager child but he really did like them. It must have been Yoongi's magic touch.

Without any of them noticing, the elevator had come to a stop on Taehyung and Jungkook's floor. The doors closed yet again and moved up one more floor. The doors opened again and Yoongi bent to pick up the box.

"Let me-" Jungkook intercepted, easily lifting the box and striding forward with confidence. He hesitated when he realized he didn't know which one was Yoongi's.

"The one on the left." Yoongi instructed. Jungkook grunted acknowledgement and waited for Yoongi to open the door. Taehyung trailed silently behind, looking around like something was going to pounce out of the shadows.

Yoongi pushed open the door and let Jungkook through first, kicking off his own shoes. Taehyung did the same, slipping his slippers off and moving quietly through Yoongi's space. He seemed to drift like a ghost, like he levitated across the floor. Jungkook couldn't take much notice as Yoongi instructed him to the corner of the living room.

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