jungkook (2)

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Taehyung was fascinating. Jungkook thought he was pretty cool.

He even offered his window so Jungkook could do some light stalking to stare at Yoongi. And didn't even question it!

Okay, that sounded bad. He wasn't actually going to stalk Yoongi but he was inspired by him, truly he was. He's pretty, sharp eyes and sharp jawline, soft rounded cheeks, cute teeth and cute little smile...

Jungkook just appreciated the art of living beings. Simple as that.

He woke up a week after moving in to a freezing cold bedroom. He didn't have a lot of blankets, one that he carried with him from childhood and one more his mother insisted he take with him.

It wasn't enough. Jungkook shivered through to his living room. He swore he saw his breath in the air. This wasn't normal, an unnatural cold for autumn.

Probably the heater breaking. He'd get Yoongi to come and look at it.

He'd feel bad about making the older do all of this with nothing in return, but it really seemed like Yoongi didn't mind.

The man in question was getting off the elevator when Jungkook found him, hand covering his mouth while he yawned, the other holding a large iced coffee.

"Oh. Wrong floor." Yoongi mumbled, eyes barely open. Jungkook smiled and leaned on his doorframe.

"When you're a little more awake could you look at the heating in my apartment?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi looked more alert at that, lifting his head. He stepped out of the elevator before the doors could close and came over.

"You're shivering, what the fuck?" Yoongi set his coffee aside and rubbed his hands together before reaching out to feel Jungkook's skin. He bent his head lower and shivered more at the contrast as Yoongi pressed the palm of his hand, then the back of it against Jungkook's forehead and cheeks.

"I dunno, just woke up and it was freezing." Jungkook didn't notice it earlier but he was stuttering slightly from the cold. Yoongi's hand felt so nice, heated against his cold skin.

"Come on, it's warm in my apartment." Yoongi pulled Jungkook along and nudged him into the elevator. Distantly, Jungkook realized Yoongi abandoned his coffee He leaned back on the wall and listened as a door opened, footsteps on the worn carpet. He could hear Taehyung's deep voice asking something, couldn't parse out the words. Then Yoongi's response, sounding like he was really trying to keep calm.

Jungkook still felt shivers racking his body. His fingers felt numb, like he couldn't hold onto anything.

It wasn't until the elevator doors had shut and they were moving that Jungkook realized Taehyung and Yoongi were both pressed to his sides, trying to warm him up. Somebody's arm was around his back, holding him close.

The doors opened again and Yoongi guided him forward, saying, "I have a lot of blankets, we'll warm you up."

Jungkook grunted in response. Taehyung was left to hold him steady as Yoongi hustled to his own bedroom, coming back with what looked like an entire Ikea bedroom department in his arms.

"Wow. You weren't kidding." Taehyung murmured. Yoongi laughed, just a soft exhale of air. He nodded towards the couch and Taehyung half-carried, half-dragged Jungkook over.

"I never joke about comfort when it comes to sleeping." Yoongi laid one thick quilt down and urged Jungkook to sit, then began layering blankets on and around him until he was tucked into a nest of blankets.

When he was done he stood back and appraised his work. Jungkook finally felt like he could move his limbs. He looked up at the other two, brain thawing enough for him to speak.

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