taehyung (2)

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He came over to let Jungkook borrow a book on van Gogh and ended up learning a lot more than he expected.

First of all, Jungkook's apartment had only one ghost, shockingly, and it was the former tenant. Taehyung couldn't remember the guys name but he remembered seeing him a few times in passing. Now he saw him drifting through Jungkook's apartment like he wasn't sure what to do.

It wasn't the first time he saw a ghost looking unsure in what they called home. It wasn't home anymore to them, but as their final resting place, it would be home until they figured out how to move on.

Taehyung was never really sure how to help a ghost move on. He didn't even know how he was able to see and sometimes speak to spirits and he wasn't gonna question it now.

The second thing he noticed was Jungkook seemed... interested in Yoongi.

Well, that's what it appeared to be in Taehyung's eyes. He didn't exactly have experience understanding the nuance of living people so it could be totally harmless.

But from what he saw, Jungkook had very adoring eyes for Yoongi. Eyes full of stars, glittering and trained so worshipfully on the older.

Taehyung could understand it. Yoongi was attractive, had nice eyes, clearly smart.

"Thank you, so much for this." Jungkook said, flipping through the book with reverence. He looked up at Taehyung with the same look he gave Yoongi for fixing his shower.

"No problem. I collect a lot of art books." Taehyung sat carefully on the edge of the couch, staring at Jungkook's careful fingers on the glossy pages.

"Really? What do you do?" Jungkook asked.


Jungkook looked up, giving his full attention. He had lovely eyes. Cute lips. Handsome.

"It, ah. Lets me work good hours." Taehyung cleared his throat, remembering how to communicate with people. Jungkook nodded in understanding.

"So if I have to write a paper you can proofread for me?" Jungkook joked. At least Taehyung was pretty sure it was a joke.

"If you want, yeah. I like reading about art and it could be interesting." Taehyung shrugged. The spirit frowned at them and vanished. Taehyung decided not to question it. That was generally how he approached the whole spirit thing. Sometimes they did things that he couldn't figure out and it wasn't worth the headache to try and explain it.

"That would be great." Jungkook sighed, slight tension leaving his shoulders. He looked so tired, like all he needed was a good nights sleep. Taehyung could understand.

He looked around again, finding a canvas propped in the corner near the window. It was half covered in dark blue paint.

"What are you working on?" Taehyung asked, curiosity piqued. Jungkook laughed softly as he followed Taehyung's gaze. He seemed embarrassed.

With a pause, Jungkook finally said, "I, ah... I found inspiration."

Taehyung tilted his head. He heard Jungkook leaving for class sometimes, early in the morning or in the early afternoon. He probably saw something on his way to class.

"Your artists block broke?"

"Something like that. It's... kind of embarrassing."

Taehyung was right. He was getting adjusted to people again. He wasn't kidding, he really didn't spend a lot of time with others.

"I was inspired by... by Yoongi." Jungkook mumbled the words, shy. Taehyung let himself smile.

"He is very inspirational." Taehyung hummed in agreement.

"He's pretty." Jungkook said.

Taehyung had to agree even more with that sentiment. Yoongi was very pretty. Jungkook was also very pretty. Why was he surrounded by so many pretty people?

"I'm glad you found a muse. Is that why you keep getting him to help you?" Taehyung asked, trying for a teasing tone.

"No. That's been accidental. If I want to see him..." Jungkook trailed off, thinking.

"He hangs out on the fire escape a lot. I hear him go out there, sometimes I see him through my window." Taehyung stated. It was true, Yoongi ended up on the fire escape a lot, especially during the summer months.

"Oh? Maybe I should come over and see, then."

"You're always welcome." Taehyung murmured, looking Jungkook in the eyes. The younger had such wide, beautiful eyes.

"Thank you. You're... interesting." Jungkook looked like he was trying to figure out a puzzle.

It wasn't the first time Taehyung has heard that. He's heard a lot of things, some nice, some rude. Jungkook calling him interesting was a compliment, in Taehyung's opinion.

"Thanks. I should..." Taehyung stood, heading towards the door. Jungkook was right behind him.

Jungkook opened the door and Taehyung stood just past it, one foot in the hallway.

"Thank you, again, for that book. And for listening. You're a really great listener." Jungkook smiled, looking like a rabbit. Taehyung was about to respond but stopped as his eyes found the spirit from before. He could see the man look longingly to the hallway before rushing forward. Taehyung winced. He knew what would happen.

When spirits tried to leave the places they were bound to, it was like hitting a wall. He saw the figure bounce back, going through Jungkook. The younger shivered hard, like he had walked into the fall air without a coat.

"Did you... that was weird." Jungkook rolled his shoulders back as though he were removing the feeling of a ghost phasing through his body. Taehyung didn't know how to reply.

"The hallways get drafty sometimes. I'll see you later, Kook." Taehyung gave a two-fingered salute and went as quickly as he could back to his own apartment.

Yoongi was pacing again. He could hear it. Not in the living room like usual, but in the bedroom as Taehyung got ready for bed. Pacing around, and around, and around. He had even footsteps, fairly gentle. It was just loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

He wondered what kind of other spirits Yoongi had. He had seen his mother, looking so much like her son it was hard to handle. Were there more attached to him? Jungkook didn't seem to have any, except the previous tenant.

Taehyung didn't know why he wanted to know this. It's not like he knew how to expel the spirits, though he had plenty of books offering advice. It wasn't like he could make great conversation with them.

That'd be fun to explain. How would he tell them, 'Hey, you have a ghost attached to you. Do you want me to get rid of that for you?'

Even by his standards that was ridiculous.

Yoongi's footsteps paused by the window. Taehyung opened his a crack to let in a cool breeze. He could hear very quiet words, Yoongi's distinct voice carrying on the night air. It was soothing.

Taehyung laid in bed and closed his eyes, listening to Yoongi move around his bedroom. He heard something creaking, assuming it was Yoongi sitting on his bed.

Jungkook was probably asleep. Maybe he was still awake, painting by the light of the half moon. Taehyung could almost imagine the way Jungkook would sketch out Yoongi's portrait, taking great care to get the exact shade of his eyes, his pink lips, his raven-colored hair, his sugar-white skin. He could practically see it, Jungkook with smears of paint on his face from distracted hands.

He'd always had a vivid imagination. For a long time, that's what his parents called it whenever he'd mention seeing a ghost. Eventually he stopped bringing it up. Maybe it was his imagination but his grandma always believed him. She always nodded gravely when Taehyung would tell her about a ghost.

He trusted his grandma. She'd never lie to him, never tell him he was being silly and daydreaming.

He wondered if Yoongi or Jungkook would believe him. He wasn't planning on telling them. Not yet.


a/n: HI very short chapter but I was inspired by the announcement of V's album so I really wanted to get this out, enjoy!

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