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Yoongi didn't know why he told Taehyung and Jungkook about his mom. He didn't know why he offered to make them dinner, he didn't know why he let them into his apartment.

There was something... disarming about those two. Something that made him already trust them. Which wasn't easy, he wasn't by nature a trusting person. It took him 16 months and 27 days just to warm up to Namjoon's partner (he denied it but Namjoon kept a calendar for this sort of thing).

It certainly didn't take a ten minute interaction in a hallway and a five minute ride in the elevator for him to suddenly open up all his secrets.

It was just... it was hard to say no to Jungkook's earnest, excited eyes. So innocent, a fresh-faced kid in a cruel world.

And Taehyung... there was something about him, something that would make Yoongi nervous but somehow set him at ease instead. It was unnerving the way Taehyung spoke of death, spoke so surely of Yoongi's mother. Like he knew for a fact that she was there, like he'd spoken to her.

He sounded too confident, too sure of himself about it.

Yoongi himself didn't believe in ghosts or spirits but if Taehyung did, that was cool too.

So maybe he was cynical, so what? Life had served him enough troubles for him to take everything with a grain of salt.

Yoongi left Namjoon's apartment after telling him all of this, the younger giving him one of his patented 'I know the answer but I'm not gonna tell you' looks.

He didn't know why he was still friends with that guy. (That's a lie, they're friends because no one has understood Yoongi quite like Namjoon and they get along well when they're making music together.)

The elevator was busy so Yoongi took the stairs. Despite what Namjoon thought, he wasn't actually that lazy he just had... limited reserves of energy.

He could practically hear Namjoon's voice, "Hyung, you sleep most of the day and stay awake all night. Tell me... are you a vampire?"

Brat. At least the version in Yoongi's head was a brat.

He made it to the fourth floor, just before his floor, and paused when he heard noises. He looked around the corner and found Jungkook again fighting with his door.

"Need some help?" Yoongi called. Jungkook looked over. He looked tired, eyes half shut.

"Please. This stupid lock keeps sticking." Jungkook whined. Yoongi pulled out his lockpick (he wasn't kidding, Namjoon really did lose his keys a lot. Yoongi had started making an extra copy for emergencies.)

"I can replace it, if you want." Yoongi offered. Jungkook hummed. He was leaning on the wall beside Yoongi, simply watching him.

"Isn't that against the lease?"

"It's easier than getting the landlord to do it. He's, ah, pretty useless when it comes to helping his tenants." Yoongi muttered. He jammed his shoulder into the door and forced it open, almost tripping over his own feet as he fell just inside the apartment.

Jungkook caught him with a hand fisted in his jacket, holding him steady. Yoongi could feel the warmth of his hand through all his layers.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"You sound like you have experience fixing things when the landlord doesn't." Jungkook commented. Yoongi stepped back, rolling his shoulders back and standing taller. Well. As tall as he could make himself, anyway. He looked up at Jungkook, having to tilt his chin just a bit.

"Mm. I've lived in this building for three years and had to nearly remake my whole kitchen. The stove didn't work, the fridge was busted, and don't get me started on the sink." Yoongi huffed. He was lucky he had a knack for fixing and building things, otherwise he would've been screwed long ago.

I see your spirits (I still want you)Where stories live. Discover now