yoongi (2)

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*starts from yoongi going alone to kooks apartment*

He would be nervous about leaving those two in his apartment but considering Jungkook was basically a glacier at the moment and Taehyung was... well Yoongi didn't know how to describe Taehyung but he was harmless. Probably. At least, Yoongi never got the vibe of Taehyung being dangerous. He was just a little odd.

So he went down to Jungkook's apartment, ready to fix whatever happened to be broken. He was sure Namjoon was going to mock him relentlessly when he recounted the story but that was a problem for future Yoongi.

He shoved the door open and stepped into the small apartment, shivering immediately as a rush of cold air passed over him.

Christ, it was cold in here. He wrapped his arms around himself and walked further in, immediately finding the radiator near the front door. He bent down and looked for some of the switches to see if something had been turned off. He hadn’t needed to fix a radiator yet in his time of mending things but he was a fast leaner.

He wasn't sure if he necessarily believed Taehyung's theory about the ghost but he tried to have an open mind. If he was wrong, whatever, he's just eccentric and a little strange. If he was right... Yoongi didn't know what to think.

He did know that Taehyung was nervous to say anything about this. He could tell, the way Taehyung kept side eyeing Jungkook the longer he spoke.

Obviously, ghosts as a reason for anything would usually be met with derision and relentless mocking but Yoongi didn't want Taehyung to experience that. Not when he seemed like he needed someone to listen, someone to believe him.

The floor creaked behind him as he was fiddling with the on/off switch and he assumed Taehyung came to check on him. Jungkook was hopefully still resting.

"I don't see anything wrong, I can check the vents to see if something is wrong there." Yoongi called. He wasn't expecting a response, especially if it was Taehyung. However, he heard the creaking get closer until it was practically right behind him, but he didn't feel any body near him.

"Taehyung? Jungkook?" Yoongi looked over his shoulder, eyes wide when he realized nobody was there. Okay, it's an old building, floors creak all the time. Doesn't mean there's a ghost.

Yoongi shook his head and went back to studying the radiator. Everything looked exactly how his own radiator looks. Must be something with the vents.

He stood up and shivered hard. It was freezing in here, making Yoongi wrap his arms around himself. He went over to the nearest vent and studied it, phone flashlight on, but again found nothing out of the ordinary.

To the next vent in the kitchen area, but nothing was wrong with that either. Yoongi flinched as something crashed behind him. When he turned to look, a coffee cup was shattered on the floor. He went and picked up the pieces carefully, setting them on the counter. Weird.

Was it getting colder? Yoongi shuddered, leaning on the counter. He could see his breath as his teeth chattered, air forced out of him. He wondered if it was possible for blood to freeze in his veins, if that was why he felt like he couldn't move. Wasn't that how people got frostbite? He didn't know, couldn't think clearly.

The door was just across the room. It wasn't that far. Yoongi stumbled as he walked, shivering too hard for his limbs to work how he wanted. He ran into a small table covered in assorted brushes and charcoal. There was a sketchbook sitting atop the table. The front cover was open, pages flipped to a half finished work.

Oh. That looked like... Was that him? Did Jungkook draw him? That certainly seemed like his face, his eyes.

"Hyung?" Taehyung poked his head around the door, rushing forward when he saw Yoongi slumped against the table.

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