week two

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The doorbell rang, and right in the middle of the doorway stood the same teenage boy with a bright red helmet on his head, holding three pizza boxes with three large pizzas inside.

"Here's your order." Y/N looked down to the male student with poofy dark green hair and emerald doe eyes. The (e/c) eyed boy nearly got absorbed in them for a moment before blinking and taking the money, leaving with a slight wave.

As the door shut, the muffled chantings of 'pizza, pizza, pizza!' were heard from outside, making a small chuckle escape the teen's lips as he hopped back on his motorbike.

"Midnight.. Do U.A. students have zero sleep schedules?" Y/N muttered to himself before hopping back onto the red vehicle.

After driving back to his workplace and signing off, he walked back home, entering the apartment and climbing up the stairs, lightly tracing his fingers over the cracked white paint painted onto the walls.

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