week three

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"Sheesh, we need to tell Mr. Aizawa about the broken doorbell. Can't have it ringing so loudly at midnight." The spiky redhead sighed before opening the door, looking up at the teen pizza delivery guy, sending an apologetic smile his way.

"Sorry about the doorbell. Thanks." Kirishima gave a toothy grin before taking the pizza and handing over the money, Y/N mimicking the expression (despite his face not being shown because of the motorcycle helmet).

Y/N laughed lightly, "It's no worries."

And as the door closed on his face, Y/N retreated back home after getting off work, walking up to door 40, unlocking it and stepping inside, leaving his shoes by the rack.

Walking up to the running television, he grabbed the remote and turned it off, looking to the person on the couch.

"I told you to stop staying up so late." Y/N sighed.

"And I told you to stop working so late, yet here we are." The voice retorted before standing up and stomping over to their room.

Y/N stood in the living room, feeling frustrated as he ran a hand through his hair.

midnight deliveries ✓ | mha x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now