week six (one)

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Y/N got back late at night for the millionth time after working his other part-time job. He glanced at the running TV that switched channels every ten seconds.

"Kei, please." Y/N sighed as he approached the living room, grabbing the remote from Kei's hands and turning off the TV. "You know better."

"So?" Kei rolled her eyes for a moment before standing up, trying to take the remote from her tall older brother.

"Give it back." The girl furrowed her brows as she tried to reach up for the remote, which was held high up in the air by Y/N who had a slightly frustrated look on his face.

Y/N narrowed his eyes. "Kei L/N. Go to sleep."

"You're so annoying," Kei groaned, sitting back down on the couch as the floorboards creaked slightly. Y/NN sighed for the nth time that week; as much as he loved and cared for his younger sister, he couldn't help but get pissed off at her behaviour at times.

Y/N sat down on the couch beside Kei. "Kei, I.." Y/N paused, contemplating his words.

"I'll start trying to get home earlier, okay?" Kei brightened up a bit at his words, and stood up, going to her room obediently.

The e/c eyed boy let his body go limp as he rubbed his temples, furrowing his brows. He was going to have to work a lot more in the day because of this, but for Kei, he had to.

Their small family of three was all kept together by Y/N, and if Y/N moved away by an inch it would all come crumbling down.

Y/N had to stop his eyes from staring at the knife in the kitchen. He couldn't be able to do it even if he did grab the knife, anyway.

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