week five (one)

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Y/N stared at the bedroom door for a moment, contemplating whether he should knock or not.

Ruffling his (h/c) hair for a second, he gave out a barely audible sigh in defeat before knocking on the door, a small 'come in' heard from the inside, acting as a cue for Y/N to enter.

".. Kei?" Y/N calls out for his younger sister. They hadn't been doing so well ever since their little fight the other day about Y/N working so late.

"What?" Kei brought her face up from her phone, raising a brow to her older brother.

Y/N held in his breath for a moment. He thought he was prepared to explain everything to her. But when he saw Kei, right there, smiling down at her phone and texting someone who was probably her friend, the (e/c) eyed boy couldn't do it.

His throat tightened before he gave a forced smile.

"Dinner's ready." Y/N finally managed to get out after a brief moment of silence before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

Oh, Y/N. Always running away from your problems.

You'll get caught on your own laces before even reaching the finish line.

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