week ten

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It was not pizza day, and Iida was the only one up, not being able to sleep. So, it gave him quite the shock when he heard the doorbell ring.

Iida opened the door, seeing Y/N's figure, head down with shaky shoulders, not in the pizza uniform and without that ridiculously bright red tacky helmet.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I didn't know where else to go." Y/N sniffed, his head low.

".. Come here," Iida says as Y/N goes closer to the slightly shorter teen.

And before Y/N knew it, warm arms embrace him, and his teary face was buried into Iida's neck. And he cried. He cried so hard.

"It's okay to cry. Cry.. all you want." Iida caressed Y/N's head. He was warm.


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