Chapter 3:Successor? How Exhilarating!

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"Once Again." - Speaking.

'Thanks for.' - Thoughts.

"Reading." - Announcements/All Might.

"Don't forget to vote." - Whisper.










Izuku's POV

Izuku:"Come on were almost there!"

Eri:"You don't have to say so every 30seconds!"

We had made it close to the intersection about 2 blocks away from where the pillar of smoke was coming from. I felt a sense of urgency to get there quickly which was paired with a tinge of excitement.

I found it funny how excited I'd get when there was a Villain Attack, like the one from this morning where Mt. Lady apprehended a villain who snatched a purse, which led to a huge scuffle leading to multiple Heros to get involved.

What I found funny was the fact that any other person would perhaps feel concern or fear while avoiding the scene entirely. But then there's me, with sweat dripping down my forehead and a huge grin on my face as I leaped past a tree that was obscuring my way.

I had to wait a moment for Eri to catch a up with a sneer on her face for momentarily leaving her. I apologised and resumed. Turning a corner we saw a crowd if people who were hauling up the alleyway, once we reached the corner of said alleyway to peek through, my gaze went to this older man who looked thin and sickly. Actually that's an understatement. He was literally skin and bones and hollow sunken eyes, a skeleton?

What was alarming was how he gripped his side fiercely with gritted teeth. What also caught my attention was his familiar golden blond hair that looked way too similar to someone I met just today, the two streaks of hair that draped over his face also aroused suspicion. I'll let go of that for now and pay attention to what I really came here for.

Izuku:"Ugh, I can't see anything. Come on Eri were going to the front." I gently grabbed her handed and pulled her along while pushing some of the crowd out our way while muttering apologies here and there.

Was we reached the front of the crowd, just behind the barricade that prevent anyone from going any further, another red-flag went off in my mind. What was before me was fires rampant, debris littered across the area and most importantly, the Sludge Villain I thought All Might took into custody just minutes ago.

Izuku:"What the hell." I couldn't keep the words from leaving out my mouth. My head immediately jerked around to where the blond skeleton was standing and I saw hus expression, how he was looking at the ground in shame and disappointed.

Izuku:"Wait a second, d-don't tell me..." There's no way in hell the thought that just popped up in my mind was correct. No, I have to be rational. Firstly, I'll assess the situation.

I thought about my journey and pen that were in my bag while opening my left hand, the two items appeared in my open hand the next moment.

(A/n: Did I forget to mention he can teleport things to himself if he knows were their placed exactly. He can't return it though, he has to do that manually.)

I opened my journal to its next clean page, noting down the date and time, I began writing. I asked a nearby onlooker for the situation, he told me that someone was taken hostage by the Sludge. The Heros say their unable to due anything because of flames and the explosions that the Sludge kept spewing out.

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