Chapter 4: Accelarating & New Friends

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"Once Again." - Speaking.

'Thanks for.' - Thoughts.

"Reading." - Announcements/All Might.

"Don't forget to vote." - Whisper.

ℹ️ Another longass chapter ahead. ℹ️

3 Months Later

Midoriya Residence

Saturday 08:27 a.m.

Eri's POV








I looked over to my alarm clock mounted on the drawer beside me immediately turning off the annoying sound of the alarm clock.

Rolling over to my back I faced the ceiling I've grown accustomed to these past years. It was really a good feeling to know that my life won't be in danger the moment I woke up. I'll eternally be grateful for what the Midoriya's have done to change my life for the better.


Yawning, I slowly let my red orbs gaze at the clock and noticed I woke up an hour and 42mins later than I usually do. I mean, sure it's the weekend and all but ever since I moved in I made sure to wake up early and do whatever I can to lighten the burden of cleaning the house on Mrs. Inko, against her wishes of course.

While she tells me that she can take care of it and I'm free to relax, I simply cannot do such a thing after they've been so kind as to let me stay with them.

There was a point were I volunteered to be the house's official maid/caretaker but both Izuku and Miss Inko thoroughly threw that idea out the window.

That's why I resigned to being Izuku's personal maid. He rejects the prospect of it entirely but I stubbornly persisted until he told me to do whatever I want, so I'm pretty sure I won that little banter.

I often do minimal tasks such as cleaning his room and doing his laundry (whenever he's not here of course) to making him breakfast in the morning whenever I wake up before Miss Inko or preparing his lunchbox before he goes to school.

That's also what I was going to do now since I already know he's currently at Dagobah beach. Ever since All Might gave him that task he's been waking up at at least 4 a.m to clear out some portion of the garbage at the beach.

Even on school days he'd wake up at about 03:30 a.m to clean up even more. While All Might did give him the 'All American Dream Plan' for properly building up his body to be able to handle One For All, Izuku said he'd grown accustomed to it and started doing extra, going an extra mile so to speak.

That's just one of the reasons why I love so much him. Whenever he sets his mind on something, he'd make sure by all means he succeeds while also putting in extra effort no one else is willing to put in.

Eri:"Well, I should probably get started then..."

Throwing the sheets off my body I slipped on my slippers and made my way to the window, opened it and let the morning breeze mess up my hair further. I stretched my arms into the air and bent my back backwards to hear a few satisfying pops and cracks run up my spine.

I then walked out my room into the  bathroom. I reached the sink grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. Since I was looking into the mirror I already figured that my hair was a mess but it was a straight up disaster.

MHA: Untouchable Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz