The Signs When Drunk

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Credit goes to religiousstripper on Tumblr for this post.


Aries: Starts a fight with everyone they see

Taurus: Puking up all the peanuts and nachos they just ate

Gemini: Dancing and grinding on everything

Cancer: Crying and puking

Leo: Being uncharacteristically confident and flirting with everyone

Virgo: White girl wasted

Libra: Sleeping next to Aquarius and Pisces, vomiting every 10 minutes

Scorpio: Fucking something somewhere

Capricorn: Attempting to act sober

Sagittarius: Cursing at everything they see and saying they are better than it

Aquarius: Has to call taxi's with Pisces to get everyone home safely

Pisces: Helping everyone get home safely with Aquarius

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