When The Signs See Someone They Know In Public

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Aries:turns the other way and runs

Taurus:Would say hi for a second then walks away with unwanted plans

Gemini:shouts across to say hi or walks up to them like a civil human being

Cancer:would approach them and talk to them for a little while

Leo:tries to act cool and popular but ends up tripping or pulling it off

Virgo:Avoids them at all costs

Libra:waves to them and either talks to them from a distance or walks away quickly

Scorpio:stares at them until they either make eye contact with them or walk away

Sagittarius:wait for them to talk to them or just awkwardly stand there wondering what to do

Capricorn:do Capricorns even go in public???

Aquarius:pretends they don't exist and continues to walk

Pisces: flips the fuck out and hides behind a group of people

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