The Signs In A Horror Movie

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Credit goes to frenchzodiacgirl on tumblr for this post


Aries: The first one to die

Taurus: The one who comes home to find everyone dead

Gemini: The one who finds out who/what the killer is

Cancer: The one who says "Hello! Who's there?" as if the killer will answer

Leo: The one who tries to fight back and ends up dying because of it

Virgo: The one who sacrifices themselves so everyone else can live

Libra: The one who says "Everybody stay calm!" and ends up freaking out themselves

Scorpio: The one who runs out as soon as there is danger so they don't die

Sagittarius: The one who is secretly helping the killer

Capricorn: The one who has snapped and has went on a killing spree

Aquarius: The one who makes it to the end/doesn't die

Pisces: The one who screams at everything

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