The Signs As Cats

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Aries: the cat that growls at every dog that walks past but runs when the dog acknowledges it

Taurus: the cat that refuses to eat out of the dish if it's anything less than full

Gemini: the cat that only wants to be petted for .46 second and then if u continue it will take out your left eye

Cancer: the cat that sits on your face when your busy and ignores u when u wanna cuddle

Leo: the cat that walks around like it owns the house and is probably prettier than u

Virgo: the cat that is literally always cleaning itself like is that really necessary

Libra: the super playful new kitten that annoys the heck out of the other cats but is really cute so it's okay

Scorpio: the cat that hides for 23 hours a day, probably has a secret lair

Sagittarius: the cat that doesn't really belong to u but it comes around so often u decided to feed it and occasionally let it inside

Capricorn: the cat that brings u mice and birds every morning as a thank u gift

Aquarius: the cat that will knock your Christmas tree down if u leave it home alone

Pisces: the cat that has one favorite person and is scared of everyone else. everyone wants to be that person

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