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"Who the hell is Jeromy?" They quickly shut their mouth when their eyes caught Marcus looking at them. By Marcus gaze, they knew that the guy was seems so angry after he heard them talking about his crush. Instead of replying back, they were just shutting their mouth and stealing glances at each other.

"So, that bastard is Jeromy?" Marcus took a step closer with his eyes fixed on Ashieana. Jinhyuk quickly stopped him by telling him to stay calm but Marcus didn't care when it comes to Haeun.

He loves her.

"Kim Ashieana, let's go." Marcus spoke seriously, crossing his arm. Ashieana was confused, still sitting on the chair with her eyes fixed on Marcus too.

"Can't you hear me?" Marcus raised his voice.

Marcus grabbed her sleeve making everyone surprised to see at this moment.

"Let's go. Tell me where that bastard lived." He said angrily, still holding her sleeve. Then, Marcus dragged Ashieana away from the place and went into his office. Marcus let go of her sleeve, ripping a paper on his notebook, and gave it to Ashieana while catching her breath.

Ashieana shut her mouth because she was still shocked after knowing what was happening. She could feel Marcus would use her to help him get Haeun from Jeromy.

Like what Jeromy did to her a year ago...

She honestly hates it-

She wanted to be friend with Marcus because they have a lot of similarities but-

it's happening again.

Marcus would use Ashieana as Jeromy used her.

And Marcus would leave her alone after he gets Haeun.

She hates it.

She needed to face this and end up to be alone again.

"Write down his address." Ashieana nervously avoided his gaze and hesitated to do it.
"Kim Ashieana, do it."

"I...I don't know.."

"I heard he rejected you for Haeun and I guess you confessed to him. That means you had a feelings for him. That means you know everything about him. He is your crush after all." Ashieana fixed her eyes at the ground.

"I don't like him anymore.." Marcus sighed.

"Make him likes you back. Make him let go of Haeun, so i will get Haeun back."

"I can't. I don't like this situation..." Ashieana said slowly.

"Help me this one! Please! I'm waiting for this for a long time and I finally got a chance to take her back to me. You can make him inlove with you! I will help you."

"Ashieana, I love Haeun. You never know how deep I'm inlove with her." Ashieana shut her mouth and sighed heavily.

She wanted to forget about Jeromy.

She wanted to forget him.

She was suffering from one-sided love.

She felt lonely because of that,

And when she met Marcus,

She thought she would feel happy to meet someone who faced the same problem as her.

Dreaming to listen to his unrequited love story...

Because she knew how much hurt it was..

He met Marcus.

But Marcus ended up using her just to get someone he loved.

"Ashieana...don't you think this is a fate?"

Ashieana listened to Marcus carefully.

"We faced the same unrequited love story and we met. This is fate, I know." Marcus said to Ashieana confidently.

"What kind of fate...?" Ashieana tried to calm herself.

"You were destined to be with Jeromy and I was destined to be with Haeun. We met and we can take our love back." She was surprised at how serious Marcus was. It prove her how much he loved that pretty girl.

Ashieana nodded her head,
"I will help you to get her..." Marcus finally smiled after knowing he could get Haeun back again.


What a lucky girl,

My crush and my boss are inlove with her

I wonder how does it feel to be loved by someone deeply.

I wish i can feel it one day. I want to feel loved too.


"Can you help me with this?" Ashieana approached Marcus, hoping he would help her arrange the document at the top of the shelf because she couldn't reach it but Marcus was too busy with his works.

"Why didn't she answer my calls? What if that bastard forces her to ignore me?" Marcus mumbled to her and called Haeun for the last time but she declines it causing Marcus to throw his phone on the wall.

Marcus stood up from his seat and hit the wall several times while groaning in pain. He hates this feeling. He hates to be alone without her by his side. For Marcus, Haeun is the source of his happiness. He would never feel happy again if Haeun keeps staying away from him.

"Mr.Lee, don't be like this. Don't hurt yourself." Ashieana stopped Marcus from hitting the wall by pulling his uniform and dragged him away from the wall. Marcus shut his eyes and took a deep breath to stay calm.

Marcus fell on the floor, crying out of his lungs because he felt really tired and hurt from thinking about Haeun. Ashieana gently comforted Marcus by patting his back by using the document she held.

Ashieana knew this feeling and of course, she knows how much it hurts to be ignored by someone you loved. Ashieana felt downhearted to see Marcus crying. So, she sat infront of him causing him to fix his teary eyes at her, processing what was she going to do.

"Don't cry. You're not alone."

Marcus sniffed his nose.

"You never know how I feel. So, stay away from me."

Ashieana shook her head,

"I know. Ofcourse, We faced the same things and I know how you feel."

"Just stay away from me-"

"Why would I stay away from you? You hate to be alone and I will never leave you alone. Even you hate me for being your secretary, I will never leave you in this way."

Marcus shut his mouth and just looked at Ashieana.

Ashieana smiled at him,
"Everything will be okay. Trust me."

And she slowly gave a lollipop to him,


She chuckled and put the lollipop infront of him, she took out another lollipop from her pocket and ate it,

she giggles.

Marcus remained silent and fixes his eyes at her,

"What a childish." He shortly said and left the room without taking the lollipop on the floor.

Although he didn't accept the lollipop from her, Ashieana still happy as she comfort him from crying over Haeun.

Ashieana knew how soft his heart was.

and Marcus-

He felt quite glad to hear her words.

he hates to admit it but-

it hit him so hard.

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