Chapter seventeen

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April 15th 1912

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April 15th 1912

00:36 - 56 minutes after collision

As the chaos engulfed the Titanic, my heart raced with worry and desperation. Thomas had disappeared to help the crew and passengers, leaving me in search of him, determined to find my beloved husband amidst the turmoil.
With trembling hands, I made my way through the crowded hallways, asking anyone I encountered if they had seen him. Each person I spoke to looked preoccupied and anxious, unable to offer any information.

"Have you seen my husband, Thomas Andrews?" I inquired, my voice quivering with emotion.
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I haven't seen anyone," a crew member replied, rushing past me.

As the ship listed and trembled, I held back my tears, refusing to give in to panic. I knew that Thomas's commitment to helping others was strong, but I couldn't bear the thought of him facing this disaster alone.

I continued my search, desperately calling out his name in the hope that he might hear me. My heart clenched with every minute that passed, fearing the worst yet clinging to hope.
And then, amidst the chaos and confusion, a familiar figure appeared in one of the hallways—a figure that brought a surge of relief and overwhelming emotion.
"Thomas!" I cried out, rushing towards him.

He turned towards me, his eyes meeting mine with a look of concern. "Eleanor!" He called out, "you shouldn't be here. It's dangerous."
But I didn't care about the danger. All that mattered was that we were together again.
"I couldn't stay away," I replied, my voice trembling. "I had to find you. I couldn't bear the thought of being apart."

He took my hand in his, his touch reassuring and familiar. "You shouldn't have come back," he said, his voice filled with concern. "It's dangerous."

I took his hand in mine, my grip firm and unwavering. "I couldn't bear to be apart from you," I replied, my voice trembling with emotion.

As the ship continued to list and the situation grew more dire, I held onto Thomas tightly, knowing that our love and strength together would guide us through this nightmare.
"We'll face this together, Eleanor," he said, determination in his voice. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together."

01:24 - 1 hour and 44 minutes after collision

As the Titanic listed and the chaos intensified, Thomas and I navigated through the ship's hallways, determined to help passengers find their way to safety. Our hearts were heavy with worry and fear, but we knew we had to stay focused on aiding others in this desperate situation.

"Is anyone in here?" I called out, cautiously pushing open a cabin door.
A frightened group of passengers emerged, seeking guidance. "We don't know where to go," one of them said, their voice trembling.
"Follow us," Thomas replied, his voice steady despite the urgency. "We'll lead you to the deck where the lifeboats are."

As we continued through the maze of hallways, we encountered more distressed passengers, each seeking a lifeline in the midst of the sinking ship.

"We can't find our way," a young couple exclaimed, their faces pale with fear.
"Stay close to us," I reassured them, "we'll get you to safety."

With Thomas leading the way, we navigated through the increasingly tilting corridors, helping people climb the stairs and avoid obstacles in the dimly lit passageways.
"Don't worry, folks," Thomas called out, projecting strength and calmness, "we're here to help. Just keep following us, and we'll make sure you get to the deck."

We encountered elderly passengers struggling to keep their balance and families holding onto each other tightly, seeking comfort amidst the turmoil. In those moments, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on us, but we remained resolute in our mission to guide them to safety.

As we reached the upper decks, the sense of urgency heightened. The lifeboats were being filled rapidly, and the crew was working tirelessly to maintain order.

"Stay together," Thomas urged the group we were leading. "Form a line and listen to the crew's instructions."
The passengers nodded, their trust in us evident as they followed our guidance.
"We'll make sure everyone gets on a lifeboat," I assured them, my heart aching for those we couldn't save.

Thomas and I continued to assist as many people as we could, ensuring they safely boarded the lifeboats before we ourselves could consider stepping onto one.

Throughout the harrowing journey, we witnessed acts of courage, selflessness, and resilience from both the crew and passengers. The camaraderie amidst the tragedy was a testament to the human spirit's capacity to rise above adversity.

With the Titanic sinking rapidly, Thomas and I looked around for anything that could aid those struggling in the frigid waters. Spotting a stack of chairs on the deck, we exchanged a determined glance and worked together to toss them overboard, creating makeshift floatation devices for those in need. Each chair we sent into the water became a lifeline, offering a slim hope for survival amidst the icy darkness.

01:46 - 2 hours and 6 minutes after collision

As Thomas and I made our way down to the smoking room, the ship's tilt made each step feel like we were navigating through an ever-shifting maze. The once familiar corridors now seemed surreal and disorienting, filled with a mass of people in various states of shock and panic.

It was as if we were in a trance, moving mechanically and guided only by instinct. The urgency of the situation had taken hold of everyone, and we moved together in a collective haze, searching for safety amidst the chaos.

Amidst the crowd, we clung to each other, finding strength in our love and the unspoken understanding that we would face whatever came our way together. The sounds of distressed voices, the creaking of the ship, and the distant wail of the emergency sirens blended into an overwhelming cacophony.
"Keep moving towards the deck," I heard Thomas call out to those around us, his voice steady and unwavering. "We'll find a safe place for everyone."

His words seemed to cut through the fog that surrounded us, guiding us forward. Each step felt labored, but we pressed on, helping those in need and doing our best to maintain our balance as the ship's tilt grew more pronounced.

As we passed crew members tirelessly working to guide passengers to safety, it was as if we were watching the events unfold from a distance. Time seemed to slow down, and the gravity of the situation settled heavily upon us.

Finally, we reached the entrance to the smoking room, nobody there. We entered cautiously, the dim lighting and hushed atmosphere adding to the surreal feeling of the moment.

"We'll stay here for now," Thomas said, his voice calm, though I could sense the underlying concern.

I nodded, my mind still in a fog, but trusting his judgment. As we settled into the room, the trance-like feeling persisted, and it was as if we were watching our own actions unfold from outside ourselves.

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