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I rolled over to look up at the ceiling. Putting my hand over my growling stomach. Dad's punishment whenever we piss him off is to neglect us of dinner. But, one night of hunger was worth not having to face him until tomorrow.

I just looked over at the empty dog bed in the corner. Where is peanut?

Peanut is my husky. I got her as a birthday present on my sixteenth birthday. I opened my door and glance duo and down the hall. Whistling for Peanut. However that only attracted Harlem and Jelly. Rodrick and Newton's dogs. They ran over so I smiled and laughed petting them saying, "hi guys. Where's your sister, him?"

Then I stepped out into the hall and looked over the railing. My brothers' and I's bedrooms are on the very top floor. So when you walk out, instead of a wall across from us, there's railing, that lets you look down on the lower floors. I could see Peanut basking the sun from the open front door. She's never been one to run away but she loves sunshine.  The men working kept having to step around her but she didn't budge. It was funny.

I just shook my head and turned it go get my dog but I found Dad coming upstairs. He storms over to me and grabbed me by the back of my neck grunting, "you want me to treat you like a boy then fine, lets have a chat."

He shoves me into my bedroom before saying, "That was humiliating. I expect you to act better then that! You could've killed someone."

I blushed and went to get up off the floor but instead the snaps of a belt made me stop. I looked at him wearily. He laid the belt over his shoulder and says, "you can not throw tantrums like that. But if you're so hell bent on being like your brothers then so be it."

But before he could do anything Newton ran in with Rodrick. Newton got between me and dad. Putting his hands up in front of him. Rodrick watched from behind dad. Prepared to grab the belt if he needed to. Dad has whooped them and beat them their whole lives, their not scared of a whoop'n. But I'd never been struck before.

Newton was protecting me.

My heart raced and I scooted back until I reached the wall, allowing Newton to back up with me but dad snaps, "what are you morons doing? Move. If she wants to act like a boy then I'll treat her like a boy."

So Newton looked at me and says, "Dad, give her a little grace, please. That's the first time she's ever acted like that."

Even Rodrick says, "and besides, that was really really impressive. Can you not admit that we haven't seen a trainee that good in a long time."

I blushed and glanced at the dogs standing in the doorway. Wagging their tails. Not knowing what's going on.

Then I stood, cautiously, and Newton says, "and besides. You're right, she is a girl. If you beat her the way you've beat the rest of us you might kill her."

Dad shakes his head, not convinced so now mom walks in and over to me. She held me, allowing me to hug her fearfully, and protecting me by putting another barrier between me and dad. Dad softened a bit, seeing the woman he loves holding his daughter. Then he just says, "Martha. Get our daughter under control."

Then he turned and stormed a out.

Newton turned to me though and snapped, "ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?!"

I blushed and let go of mom, backing up. I sighed and said, "I know, it was stupid."

Then Rodrick says, "I'm gonna go find something for dad to let out his anger on. Rosalind, maybe think before you do something like that, again."

Then he left. Once he was gone, Newton says, "look, I loved being able to train with you. I loved our competitions. But this is where that ends Roza. You need to stop before you get your self killed. You're a girl, you will never be in the mafia."

Then he left. I sank onto my bed and mom just looked at me sadly before she put a hand on my cheek, wiping my tears with her thumb before she says, "I'm so sorry sweetheart. I should've told you. Your dad decided form the very beginning he wouldn't let you join. But I want you to know I'm proud of you. You did so well. You're the first girl we've had that wound up top of your class."

Then she kissed the top of my head and says, "I'm try to bring you a plate of dinner later."

Then she left. She did not, I assumed dad intercepted it.

The next morning was the naming ceremony. I sat in my window seat, looking down on the proceedings. A make shift stage had been built, and the graduating trainees were gathered outside.

My door opened and Newton walked in, carrying a bowl of cereal. He tried to give it to me but I just said, "I don't want it."

"You're not going to sit in here and starve because you in a bad mood. We both know how it ended the last time you starved yourself."

I flung my hand up though, knocking the bow, out of his hands. Peanut happily ate the contents if the spilled cereal as I said weakly, trying to hide the shaking of my voice, "don't talk to me."

He sighed and leaned on the window seat, looking down a the stage. We were both quiet for a moment before I sighed and took his hand. He squeezed mine before I say, "thank you for protecting me yesterday,"

He nods and I say, "I'm proud of you Newton."

He just rolls his eyes and said, "everyone keeps saying that. But I don't really see it as a compliment, Rodrick, Xavier, and even Kipp all got through training and got their names. I'd be the outcast if I didn't get my title."

I blushed and he looks at me before he says, "but I am proud of you. You should be graduating top of the class. Not me."

Then he kissed the top of my head and says, "I'm sorry little sis."

I blushed and just shoved him away, a smile on my face as I taunt, "you're only nine months older then me."

He just smiled at me and says mockingly, "little sis. Little sis. Little sis." as he walks out.

Then I looked at Peanut. She want lapping up the last bit of the milk. So I pet her ears before saying, "I suppose I shouldn't sit up here and pout. Should I?"

Peanut just looks at me and wags her tail. I chuckled and said, "and now I'm talking to my dog."

I decided that I wasn't going to hide. If dad wants me to be a girl, then fine. I'm about to be the most girly girl he's ever seen. I will not cower from him anymore.

Her Gun, His RulesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora