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Rodrick lead me up the stairs. They were lined with a window ever five stairs and at a few there was an on duty sniper positioned. Their gun sitting on the edge of the window as they sat on the stairs.

However, I noticed the space became narrower as we went up. So eventually I ask, "why is it getting more cramped?"

"You never know what position you're gonna be in as a sniper, Majesty. You would be shooting from a tight, dusty attic, or you could be in a big open parking garage. It all depends. So this building allows you to practice being in tight spaces.

Finally I thought we'd reached the top. However we met a trap door. He pushes it open and the trap door opened up into a office room. I found Ferdinand and a man I vaguely recognized standing inside. Ferdinand got named captain. Since the position was refused by Newton it got passed to the next person.

Rodrick made a small nod to his captain but the captain says, "is this some sort've joke? What is she doing up here? With a gun no less."

Ferdinand looked at his mentor with an uneasy look while Rodrick says,  "Captian, this is Majesty. Our newest sniper recruit. She is my apprentice. She's been assigned to my little brother, Falcon."

I turned and locked eyes with Ferdinand. His smirk grew, now knowing he's my superior. Then the captain says, "no. This will not stand. Take her gun Ranger. I'm having words with your father,"

So Rodrick, with a heavy sigh, takes the gun and the captain leaves. I looked at Rodrick curiously and he says, "your a girl, Majesty. And you're going to have a lot of that. You're going to have to earn your respect."

Then Rodrick looks at Ferdinand and says, "Oak, right?"

He nods and says, "be less of an asshole then Eagle."

Then Rodrick left to go put my gun up. I shook my head and Ferdinand glides over to me so I put a hand on his chest it stop him. My gaze was on the door. Once Rodrick's footsteps disappeared I grabbed Ferdinand by the shirt and pulled him in, kissing him.

His eyes got wide befoer he took me by the waist and kissed me back. Finally I let go and he says, "Christ Majesty. Do that more often and you might just be a level ten sniper faster then you think."

I shake my head befoer I say, "Rodrick told me all of you guys were prepared to defend me. For me to graduate. So I wanted that to be my thank you."

Then I let him go and walked back down the stairs. When I got in the weapons room, I found dad, captian, and Rodrick arguing. They stopped though when I walked in so I shook my head and walked over to one of the handheld guns before I say, "captain, what would I have to do to convince you I'm worthy of my position?"

"Nothing. You're a woman. You're gonna get us all killed."

So I loaded the gun and said, "But I graduated at the top of my class."

"That just means that the rest of your class is just a bunch of cunts. I don't care whether you have outdone our top man or if you're in this position so it looks good, I will not put my men in your care."

So I turned and put a bullet between his eyes. Everyone went still. Then I unloaded the gun looked at Ferdinand and said, "congrats you're captain."

The I walked over and kicked the corpse befoer saying, "no one calls my brother a cunt and gets away with it."

Then I walked out. Dad laughing as I did so. He looks at Rodrick adn said, "I think she might be more of a badass then you."

Rodrick shakes his head, but I saw the pride in his eyes.

I went back outside and found Newton. He was eagerly talking to his mentor when I showed up. I walked over and put my elbow on his shoulder and leaned into him as I say, "hate to interrupt what I'm sure is a very important conversation but I need to steal Falcon here."

Newton shakes his head and says, "can it wait?"

"I just killed my sniper captain and dad's laughing about it so no. I don't think it can."

His mentor got a shocked look before syaing, "you killed eagle?"

I nodded, lowering my arm befoer patting Newton's chest as I say, "he called my brother a cunt, so I let him eat lead."

Then I missed Newton's cheek and say, as if he were my little brother instead of the other way around, "and no one calls my brother a cunt and gets away with it."

Newton shoves my hand away befoer he says, "I'll see you in a minute King."

He followed me over to the snack table before I looked around and asked, "where's peanut?"

He points to a shady tree where actually, Peanut, Harlem, and Jelly were napping. I smiled and then Newton asks, "what are you wanting to talk to me about."

"What do you think of Ferdinand?"

"You mean-"

"Oak, yes, oak. Sorry."

Newton shrugs and says, "he's a little self absorbed, very proud that he was in the top three of the class and top of the trainees that aren't dad's kids. Why?"

"What would you say if I was banging his?"

Newton's jaw dropped so I shoved a strawberry in his mouth and he says, "first, gross. You're my sister. I don't wan to know that. Two, really? Ferdinand of all people."

I shake my head and said, "he stole a bottle of liquor from the kitchen and it was a very drunk decision. But, now that Ferdinand is my superior, I fear how long it'll take for the power to get to his head."

"You're thinking he'll use his power to sleep with you again?"

I nod and he says, "stick very close to Rodrick and I. I imagine that Ferdinand won't be the only man to try this."

Then he sighs and looks at me before saying, "You're gonna have to be honest with us Roza. About everything."

I blushed and just shook my head beofre I say, "alright thing number two. Rodrick is under the assumption that I'm you're assigned assassin,"

Newton nods and says, "you are. Dad told me."

I nodded before he says, "you really killed Eagle?!"

"Yes, a bullet between the eyes. Dad and Rodrick are having a pretty good laugh about it."

Newton shakes his head before he says, "well, it's a good show. Maybe Oak will be to scared to mess with you."

I laughed and shook my head nudging him. Then I sighed and said, "are you as excited and scare as I am?"

He looks at me and says, "that's part of it Roza. We were born into the heart of a mafia. We were never allowed the option for a peaceful life. Look at Willoughby. He got married, had a baby, and opened a coffee shop with his wife. Dad calls him a traitor and has everything but disowned him. Kipp, Kipp ran off. We don't know what became of him. So, our entire life is fear. But it's okay to be excited too. Again we were born into this. Killing runs in our veins."

I shake my head and say, "why are you always right? It's infuriating."

He chuckles before I saw dad walk outside. He waved Newton and I over so we went inside before dad hands me and Newton a pair of car keys before he says. 'Newton, this was gonna be your naming present, but, I suppose you both deserve something."

We took the keys before my face lit up and I say, "does this mean-"

"Yes. You are free to go where you want and do what you please. ONLY. And I mean ONLY if you clear it with me or Rodrick first. Deal?"

I squealed and hugged him saying, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Dad chuckles and says, "two hugs in one day."

I shake my head before saying, "come on! Let's go check out our cars."

Newton chuckles looking at dad as I ran off, "you're making her a very happy woman."

"She deserves it." Dad says before sending Newton after me.

Her Gun, His RulesWhere stories live. Discover now