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I ran into the garage, happily hitting the unlock button. Eventually finding a pretty red corvette beeping back at me. I squealed and laid on her hood. As if I could hug the car. Newton laughed and said, "careful Roza.You'll scratch the coat."

I nodded and stood before running my hand along it. When I was sixteen, dad caught me trying to sneak out to go meet up with some friends. So dad banned me from leaving the house without an escort. I think he's also never liked the idea of his daughter going out on her own in the big wide scary mafia world. But now that I'm a employee, and have more then enough combat training, I guess he trusts me. Plus I'm not a 16 year old girl anymore.

I watched Newton walk off to find his car. It turns out he had not a car, but a motorcycle. He grinned at his ride as well. He's been asking dad for a motorcycle for almost four years.

He picked up the motorcycle helmet and put it on before sitting on his bike.

We both admired our cars before I whined, "I want to go somewhere, take her for a test drive. But I don't have anywhere to go."

So Newton laughed and said, "text dad and ask him if we can go for a test drive and grab something for lunch. Tell him I'll ride in front of you."

I nodded and text dad. After a moment I got a, "be safe kid." Back from him so I grinned and did a happy jump before I got in my car. I keep my license in the back of my phone case along with my debit card so I wasn't to worried about grabbing my purse.

Once I was in the car I turned her on, played with some settings and adjusted the seat before Newton rolled up next to me and says, "you ready?"

I nodded and used the garage door opener in my car before Newton revved his engine and took off. I followed.

She drove beautifully. Newton and I raced down any back road we could. My sports car easily out drove his motorcycle so I won most of our races. But I always let him get back over in front of me.

Newton and I have always enjoy competition. Who can eat dinner faster? Who can shoot a target more accurately? Who can run faster? It's the foundation of everything we stand for as siblings. It's why we're so close. Well, other then being close in age.

After this last race we had to transition to a main road so now I just followed him. Finally he calls me and says, "So, where do you want to go for lunch?"

"Well, we're both all dressed up, so why don't we go to a sit down restaurant?"

"Oooh! I know a really good one, just follow me, okay?"

"Okay, bye."

Then I hung up before he had the chance to say anything. That's another one of Newton's pet peeves. He hates not being able to finish a call.

To show me his displeasure, he tucked his hand behind his back before giving me the middle finger. I laughed and he returned his hand to a handle on his bike, then we drove on.

Her Gun, His RulesWhere stories live. Discover now