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I sat in the front row, and let Peanut lay at my feet.

I turned and looked at the line. Ferdinand was standing right behind Newton. He was third in our class. Dad smiled at Newton, just as proud of him as he is of me. But when he says, "Alright, to start this I'd like to ask our head of class to come to stage."

My blood boiled but I just looked down at my hands. But to my shock Newton didn't budge. Dad gave him a curious look and says, "Newton come to stage."

But Newton shakes his head and says, "but I'm not head of class. I am second in class."

My head shot up now, the look of shock on my face let dad know I wasn't in on this so he snaps, "Newton. There's still time to revoke your title, now get up here..."

So Newton stood firm in his resolve so dad looks at Rodrick and says, "go get your brother,"

But Rodrick just cross his arms and said, "he's not head of class,"

Dad's jaw dropped and his men got very tense. The only people who could get away with his is us, his children.

So I stood and walked over to Newton, I tried to shove him on stage befoer I say, "Newton please."

He shakes his head though and took my hand and raised it saying, "she is you head of class. And I say she graduates."

Rodrick nods and took the clipboard from dad before he stepped infront of him and held out his hand. I blushed profusely and looked wearily at mom who blushed too, unsure what to do before she sighs and nods. So I walked up on stage. Then Rodrick looks at dad and says sternly, "she graduates."

My eyes were wide and watery. I was fighting not to cry in order to not only preserve my mascara but also I have never allowed myself to cry in front of dad or my brothers. But I was overwhelmed by pride of my work. By what my brothers are doing for me. And for the anxiety of dad's reaction once this ceremony is over.

Dad shakes his head and looks at me, he opened his mouth, likely to scold me but I think he saw the tears in my eyes and hesitated, so he shakes his head again and takes the clipboard, turning me to the crowd. Rodrick and Newton got massive grins.

We won. The kids won.

Then dad says, "My daughter, Rosalind. Head of her class with a perfect score on her final exam. A perfect nine."

Then he turns me towards him and gives me a soft smile to calm me down befoer he says, "Rosalind. Your name shall be Majesty, and your assignment will be as a sniper. Rodrick will be your partner and mentor until he assumes my position."

I nodded and shook his hand before walking off the stage where I was greeted by mom. She hugged me,happy tears streaming down her face. I did it. I am the first woman to ever join the mafia. 

Next was Newton.

He walked on stage and dad sent him a grateful look. Everyone in my family knows how happy he just made me.

Then he says, "my son, Newton. Second is his class with an 8 on his final exam. He is the last of my sons to have a naming ceremony."

He turns to Newton and Newton turns to dad before dad says, "Newton. Your name shall be Falcon. You will be an assassin, and help Rodrick look after your sister. Once Rodrick assumes my position you will take over as Majesty's partner. Oh, and King will be your mentor."

My heart swelled at I heard dad use my code name. From this point in our legal names will only be used in a family basis. So da shas to refer to me as Majesty,

Newton nods and took his certificate of employment from dad as well as his new dagger.

Then he walked off stage.

I didn't get anything becasue I wasn't supposed to be apart of this.

Once Newton was off the stage. He sets his stuff down and hugs mom. Then he turns to me and I jumped in him, hugging him in the process as I say quietly, but happily, 'thank you Newt."

He nods and sets me down before saying softly, "you know majesty is a play on you being a mafia princess, right?"

I nod and say, "I don't care. At least my name isn't princess."

He chuckles before we got quiet and looked at the stage. Ten more people. Two and a half hours.

Finally we got back in order as dad says, "everyone, your new recruits."

There was applause before we were allowed to break formation. The other trainee's went off to meet their mentors while I went on stage and ran over hugging dad. He was startled, but ultimately hugged me back as I say, "thank you thank you thank you!"

He sighed and hugs me back before he says, "be careful."

I nodded and let him go before I hugged Rodrick. He hugged me back before I let go and stepped back, grinning at him as I say, "you have a lot of titles. Big brother, heir, partner, mentor."

He laughs and says, "you do too. Little sis, first female mafia employee, sniper, apprentice"

I smiled and rolled my eyes and then dad says, "Rodrick why don't you show her the sniper training arena. Then meet back here."

We nodded and walked off. Once we were inside the house, I got several quiet congrats from people passing us before Rodrick opened a door to a room I'd never been in before.

It was a huge room and every wall of the room was lined with guns of some sort. They were also illuminated with blue lights. In the center of the room was what looked like a mix of a dresser and a table. The bottoms of it was completely lined with drawers while the top had knives neatly arranged on it. In the center was a rotating knife block.

Rodrick lead me over to the wall of larger guns.

Then he says, "alright Majesty. Things you need ot know. This is the weapons armory. The rifles and shotguns are over here. While you're training we'll deal mostly in rifles, but as you get better we'll move to smaller guns. I'm assuming that Newton will be your assigned assassin."

"What does that mean?"

I shakes his head and says, "You might be good with a gun but you still have a lot to learn. In our mafia we always try to keep an equal balance of assassins and snipers. That way, snipers can have one assigned assassin. You will go on every mission with Newton and you will cover him. And only him. You pay attention to no one else."

Then he opens a drawer and says, "These are the mufflers, silencers, whatever you want to call them."

Then he pulls a rifle off the wall. So I say, "I thought snipers got their own assignments, not covering someone;s butt. That;s lame."

Rodrick points the gun at the wall looking through the scope as he says, "Roza, Sis. You're a level one sniper. Your job is to learn from me and to cover ass. Newton's to be precise singular missions are reserved for level threes and up. You'll go up in level for every twenty-five kills. Of if you do something really spectacular and your captian deems you worth of going up a level,"

I thought and said, "what if Newton's on mission, and he's walking with the target so he can't get a clear shot but I can. Do I take the shot, then?"

"No." Rodrick says before putting a muffler on the rifle and handing it ot me. Then he says, "The only time you take a shot, is if I give your captain gives you the okay, if I give you the okay, or if Newton's under attack."

I was slightly disappointed. Rodrick shakes his head and says, "come on, come upstairs with me."

I nodded and we headed over to the stairwell before Rodrick says, "stay behind me, these are sniper quarters, so there are a few in duty snipers and trainees up here."

I nodded and looked at the stairs like they were made of gold. This is my future. Everything I've worked for.

Her Gun, His RulesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz