Intoxicating Woman

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I paid the bill so Freddie and I left. When I got back to the house I was greeted by my little sister who ran down to my car. She was giving me a massive smile so I say, "what is it? What did you do?"

She rolls her eyes and says, "I have a huge birthday present for you big brother!"

I groaned quietly but the excitement on her face was cute. So I followed her inside. She lead me upstairs to my room where I found a present on the bed. Kinsley stood next to it, an excited look on her face as she nibbled on her nails. I opened the box and found a suit, a pair of house keys, and a really nice watch. Then she says, "I saved up and bought you the watch, the suit was a present from Freddie. The house keys are a vacation home that mom and dad wanted to give you!"

Then she says eagerly, "do you like it?!"

I looked at the watch then my sister, try to decide whether I wanted to tell her that I already have this exact watch that I'd bought for myself.

I decided against it. Kinsley and I have a very strained sibling relationship. So I know when she does stuff like this it's from a good place, a place of wanting to connect with me. So I nodded and said, "it's beautiful, I love it."

She squealed happily and wanted to hug me but when I stepped away she blushed and said, "sorry, I forget. You and your weird adversion to touch will just have to know that I'm glad you like it, and happy birthday big brother!"

Then she ran off I assumed to go tell mom about her success.

I just shook my head. I'd sell the watch and give Kinsley her money back on her birthday here in a couple weeks.

Then I held up the suit. Freddie got me a tweed suit for my birthday? He knows I hate tweed,

Then I got a text from him that said, "I had her pick this up for you. If you're gonna have any shot at attracting Rosalind. And I mean any. I got my spies to tell me that the only guy she's ever hooked up with was wearing a tweed suit the night they hooked up. So, yeah. Give it your best shot, and get butchered by the line,"

I just shook my head. Really?! Rosalind likes guys in tweed suits. I decided I wouldn't wear it. If Rosalind was gonna be with me then she was gonna be with me. Not the guy that has stalked her every move.

So instead and I text back, "tell me more about the guy she hooked up with."

"I'm just going to come up to your room."

I rolled my eyes and waited. Freddie eventually showed up and sat on my bed before he says, "I have printed and put together a Rosalind Hamlot file for you. The only guy she has ever hooked up with is a guy named Ferdinand Scott. We don't know much about him other then that he's about the same age as you and he's got blonde hair. It seems he was also sworn in today but he is a sniper captain. So he'll be Rosalind's boss."

I nodded and Freddie asks, "I really don't get it Victor. You could have any girl in the entire world. Why do you need her?"

"Because I can't have her,"

Freddie rolls his eyes and I say, "and, I've never met a woman like her,"

'"Her and Jasmine are pretty similar."

"Jasmine doesn't do anything for me."

"No, I'm starting to think you have a complex. The only woman who's gonna do it for you is gonna be the only one you can't been over your bed,"

I shoved him and he fell off my bed before I walked over to the balcony and twirled my keys around my finger as I say, "Rosalind Hamlot is something different. Most mafia princesses are spoiled, bratty rich girls. But Rosalind holds a different sort of air."

Freddie was getting up off the floor as he shakes his head and says, "what would like our next move to be? Because we can't exactly roll up to her place of work."

I shrugged and said, "we'll see how this plays out, I imagine that won't be the last time our paths cross. Until then, I want the spies to keep me updated on her."

Freddie nods and turns, walking out. Once he was gone I sat down at my computer and googled her name. Freddie was right, of course he's right.

Rosalind was famous in the club scene, and for more then what he described, but Freddie has a pretty hard time seeing past a woman's breasts.

However she also did other things. She donated to charities, worked at volunteer organizations. It seems anything she could do, she did. Until, finally I scrolled across the articles titled, "What happened to Roza?"

Roza? Roza. I liked that.

I clicked on a few of the articles but none of them really had a conclusive answer. Her dad really did just make her disappear.

I pulled up her pictures and just stared at them for a second. She seems to be a teenager when these photos were taken, and I had it admit I liked what the years had done to her. She is far more beautiful now then back then, but again, she didn't exude the same confidence back then.

I will have Rosalind even if it kills me.

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