Things you do with each other

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You two often find yourselves strolling through the park, you teaching him about current things and him listening and sometimes taking notes. He often times will ask about things you weren't around for like the 50's and 60's, so you two go back to your house and look stuff up about it, which you both enjoy.


Well, you work in the workshop and help perk up his suits and cars while listening to ACDC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Kansas, and more.


One word: SCIENCE


You like to shoot arrows with him, and lots more target practice.


Asgard always thrilled you and you'd always go and visit sites you hadn't seen and explore the palace. Sometimes you'd swear that Thor needed a leash from you because you were always so full of energy and he could hardly keep track of you.


You two like to play pranks on people (especially your brother) and eat. I mean who would honestly say no to food? AND pranking people. With Loki you get the best of both worlds.


You two will often times cuddle on the couch and watch movies or shows together- Bucky enjoys watching scary movies because he likes to hold you close to his chest and hold your hand.


You two like to run and workout together. To you it showcases his large muscles, and to him, he likes to see you happy. And well... your booteus maximus is there too...

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