Your Oldests First Day of School

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Phillip held to your's and Steve's hand as you walked him to the door of his kindergarten class. Steve held your two year old son, James in his other arm.

"Mommy and Daddy?" Phillip said and looked up at you.

"Yeah, Sweetie?" You said and looked down at him. His appearance reminded you of Steve, the blonde hair, blue eyes.

"Why do I have to come here? Why can't I just stay home?" He asked and looked at Steve this time. Steve handed James to you and bent down so he was at his sons level.

"If you want to be very smart- you come here. You'll come here a lot but it'll be worth it in the future." Steve said. Phillip just looked at him.

"Will I be as smart as you and mommy?" He asked, this time looking down and messing with his backpack straps.

"Oh, yes. Definitely." Steve said and stood up. "Go have fun. We'll pick you up at 12."

And with that he smiled and bounced in the classroom. You could see him shaking hands with a teacher, then bounding over towards a small cluster of students.


Brandon wasn't easy to convince. He hated the idea of school. He even told you once that "Daddy is going to teach him everything that ever existed."

You finally had him dressed and ready to go. He had a black T-shirt that had the AC/DC label on it, and a pair of blue shorts he looked adorable, but was anything but happy.

"Mom! I don't want to go!" He said and wrapped his arms around Tony's leg. Jackson your 3 year old was following Brandon.

"Mama, B not happy." Jackson said and looked at you. He stood right next to Brandon and then put his thumb in his mouth.

"Jackson, please don't suck your thumb." You said, he looked at you and took it out. "Thank you."

"Brandon, you have to go; daddy can't teach you everything." You said. And folded your arms a crossed your chest.

"I could, but-" You cut Tony off.

"It would take a lot of time, and you'll make more friends this way." You smiled at Brandon. He half-heartedly smiled back.

"But, I want to stay here and play! I want to stay with you and daddy!" Brandon shouted, looking like he was about to burst into tears. Brandon finally let go of Tony's leg and ran to you. You picked him up. Tony picked up Jackson and came closer to you and Brandon.

"Come on, kiddo! You can't say you hate it until you try it!" Tony said, Jackson looked really confused.

"Fine. But if I don't like it I'm never going back." He said and got down and folded his arms.

"Deal." Tony said and shook his hand. Jackson still looked confused.

"Tony!" You said and slapped him. Brandon smiled. Jackson leaned towards you and grabbed at you. You grabbed him from Tony.

"If we don't leave now, your gonna miss school, Brandon." You said.

"Good." He said and grabbed his toy car.

"Hey, you promised." You said and grabbed his backpack. "I guess I'll have to take your backpack back to the store..."

"No! That's my pack-pack!" He said and ran to you grabbing it from you.

When you got to school he saw a girl that he immediately fell in love with- Who's name happened to be Caroline. That's all you heard about for the entire year.

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