You get hurt

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You sat in your room, cuddling your bear that Steve got you. You fiddled with your phone case, seeing the sticky note he gave you the first day you met. You smiled every time in came into sight.

As you say in bed, you heard the door open. It was either your mom or Steve.

"Good morning, Darling." Steve yelled from your front door. You smiled and sat up, actually getting out of bed to see your boyfriend. You walked out of your bedroom, still wearing your pajamas that were just shorts and a tank top.

"Hi, Baby." You said and hugged him. He gladly hugged back and kissed your forehead.

"Go get dressed and I'll take you out for breakfast." He said and sat on your couch untangling himself from your hug.

"Fine, but only because I like you." you said and walked into your room, opening your dresser. You pulled out a striped top and jean shorts.

As you went to shut the dresser your finger was still in the crack and you slammed your finger into the dresser.

"Ow!" You yelled as you held your finger.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Steve asked getting up from the couch.

"I murdered my finger." You said and frowned showing him your hurt finger that was very red.

He kissed it and said he made it 'all better'. But you still ended up with a gnarly bruise.


Even though he told you not to, you still helped him make the weaponry for his suits. You worked on the suits and cars plenty, but the weaponry he always made you sit out for.

But today, you got your way and were helping him with it.

"Y/N!" He shouted. "Don't mess with that!" He pointed to the gray orb-like thing in front of you.

"Okay." you said and held your hands up by your head. He walked over to you and grabbed the orb thing with a set of tweezer like things.

You walked over to his desk where there was a bunch of papers and blueprints.

"Hey, Babe? What are these for?" You asked reaching for the blueprints, scraping you hand across the edge of another piece of paper.

"Ow..." you muttered, staring at the now bleeding little cut across your pinky.

"Those are for a new suit design." He said. "Is that blood on your pinky? What did you do to yourself?" He asked walking over to you and your paper cutted pinky.

"Paper cut." you said and showed him your pinky. He looked at you and kissed it.

"All better." He said and handed you a Mickey Mouse Band-Aid.


You had 4 beakers in front of you, all containing water. You grabbed one and turned around, seeing your partner in science-crime.

"Hey, Brucey." You said and wrapped your free arm around him. He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"How's my beautiful partner today?" he asked and turned on a transparent screen.

"I'm pretty good. How are you?" you asked, you stared at the beaker. You dropped in a red substance that contained high amounts of radiation. It didn't affect humans, but animals and other non-human substances. You needed to figure out if it was affect when put it contact with water.

"I'm good." He said and pulled up a diagram of the red radiating substance. The substance did have an affect, it automatically boiled the water and it turned into some kind of molten metal. It jumped out of the beaker and touched your lab coat, burning through and making contact with your skin.

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