Peter Quill/Starlord

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How you meet:

You knew Gamora from a few years back, you two had met when your home had been invaded by some of Ronan's minions.

You two had teamed up to take them down- you kept in touch and started having lunch once a month. Until one day- she didn't come. You sat on your back porch waiting for her ship to come- it never really attracted much attention. It was small and had panels that made it invisible to the human eye. You could see it though.

You weren't human. You had been dismissed at birth from Heaven where you should've been- you were half angel-half demon. Hard to come across.

Eventually a ship came- it wasn't hers.

It still blended with its surroundings.

You waved hoping she was in it. The door opened- and a man came out in red leather.

"Hi, I'm Peter. Most people know me as Star-Lord." He awkwardly smiled and shook your hand.

Gamora followed. She came out of the ship I her normal black leather outfit.

"Sorry about him..." Gamora said and pushed him away. You two continued in the house and the Star-Lord guy left. But you couldn't stop thinking about him.

What you two often do:

Explore the galaxies and discover new planets.

Couple song:

Hooked on a feeling- Blue Swede
Come and get your love- Redbone
Ain't no mountain high enough- Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell
O-O-H child- The Five Stairsteps

You can't choose just one when they're all great...

How many kids you two end up having:

You two had 2 children. 2 boys.

Children's names and age gaps:

-3 years-

Your names in each other's phones:

Your name is his phone: My Angelic Demon

His name in your phone: Star-Lord

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