Request- BabetheD

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*Emily's Pov*

I messed with some of the repulsers on the metal hands of my brothers suit in the lab, he was talking with his friend- Doctor Bruce Banner. Of course they were discussing some cell radiation and the affects of it... Something like that. It looked like Tony just about had it.

"That's it. I'm getting coffee and I'm gonna like puke- because your so fricking annoying." Tony screamed- throwing his hands up in frustration and leaving the lab.

"So, has he always been like that Emily?" Bruce asked and started walking over towards me. He was kind of adorable in a nerdy kind of way.

"Kind of. It more started around the time I could walk. And talk." I said looking down at the repulser. I bit my lip lightly.

"You know your kind of cute." He said. He blushed and started to walk away.

"No- please stay... Your very handsome yourself." I said quietly. He stared at me before smiling and kissing my forehead.

•5 years later•

Me and Bruce sat on our couch cuddling- as our 3 year old son laid on top of us- telling us about his exciting day he had at preschool.

"And then Jamie yelled, 'Peanut Butter!!'! It was so fun!" He yelled obviously very excited. He giggled and patted my largely impregnated stomach.

"Did sissy have a fun day?" He asked and kissed the top of my stomach.

"Yep, she sure did." Bruce said before moving and kissing my stomach the same place that our son had.

"Awesome." He said before bouncing off into his room. Bruce looked at me and kissed my lips.


Sorry this took so long but I have been writing another chapter over and over but I can not decide how I want it to go over with- so all I'm doing is rewriting it a thousand times.... Well. this is completely dedicated to @BabetheD. :)

The girl who got Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes dog tags,


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