Chapter 2

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SUMMARY : Finney met the first boy but he met two boys in the same day. He thought this was going to a great start.


Someone knocked on his bedroom door. It was a soft knock, Gwen usually does a soft knock every morning on his door to make sure he's awake. "Gwen, is that you?" He asked looking at the door slightly opening. "Yes dumbass!! Its 6:30 AM, hurry up and get dressed don't you like being alone for a bit before stupid kids start rushing through?" "Yes, sorry Gwenny i think i zoned out." Finney lied. He was a good liar, he could say he was doing just okay when he was in so much pain. He fails sometimes. Only sometimes when he feels like falling in tears or just a signal tear running down his cheek. But Boys don't cry, that's what his dad said. That horrible drunk father treated them horribly making them believe stupid things, threatening them if they do something wrong. Finney remembered when he got beaten up because he was being bullied and Terrance (His dad) said he was a weak boy and he started crying making him mad knowing boys shouldn't cry. But they do, every one cries. "Its okay! Now go get ready you cant go in them space pajamas." she said slapping his shoulder and she closed the door shouting, "Dads not home, can you make mum's favorite breakfast?" She asked and Finney thought about it for a few seconds before replying, "Yeah, of course i can." The stairs creaked as she ran downstairs.

Finney went to his small closet and got out a few clothes, black converse, dark blue jeans, and a blue t-shirt with the moon on the top left of it. He then went to the bathroom to get changed, wash his face, brush his teeth and do his hair. He looked at the mirror as he saw a scar on his neck. He pulled his pajama shirt off to see if there's any more. There's a whole scar from his neck to his stomach, he touched it and felt disgusted knowing that man one it. He then noticed a few more marks on his side, sadly they were bites. Maybe The Grabber bit him too hard and it made a scar, that's most likely anyway. Finney stopped for a minute as he released how he got the bites. Was he touched inappropriately by him? The grabber never thought of touching him when he was alive and in the basement. Finney felt the need to puke but just put his shirt on and got fully dressed. He washed his face, his skin all smooth and soft as he brushed his pearly white teeth and then curling his already naturally curled hair.

Finney could see the scar still, he wondered if anybody would ask about it. Well, if they cared enough to notice. Finney finished with his hair and went downstairs. He got to the kitchen to see his sister sat on the table. "Hey Kid, hurry up now will you? I'm starving!" Finney rolled his eyes and sighed getting what he needed. It took a long time but that was okay for him. Okay for His sister knowing how happy she would have been. The strawberry's beautifully placed all over the nicely baked croissant with chocolate cream spread over it. Different types of fruits piled the plate soon to be eaten by the both of them. They both smiled as they ate.

They finished eating, they pit their plates in the sink and put their shoes on. Finney had to tie Gwen's shoes, she always forgets on how to do it. "Alright, ready to go?" He asked waiting for a nodd. Instead of a nod she said yes and then walked out the front door when she opened it and waited for finney to lock it. "Are you going to a friends tonight?" I asked looking at her as i put my bag on one shoulder. Gwen sighed, "Yeah, Molly wants help with her Project and i have to help too! Ugh... i cannot be bothered." Finney laughed and stopped when he got slapped in the face. "Ow... that hurt Gwenny!" Gwen laughed and so did Finney. They had a nice walk to school. Better like what it used to be with Gwen and Finney having miserable looks on there faces as Gwen talks about random stuff to cure her boredom.

 Finney talked a lot on the way, talking about how beautiful and interesting space and the stars are. Gwen liked when Finney talked, he was so much like their mother and that's what she liked about him. They ended up needing to part ways. "Well, be safe Gwenny - and don't hit another person with a rock again..." He said with his hand on her shoulder. Gwen shrugged and said bye and they parted.

After homeroom

Finney loved maths and science. He would say he isn't the best at them but he tutored maths for a boy called Robin, the same one that got kidnapped. They weren't friends though, they just knew each other a little bit. Robin did save him from his bullies a couple of times but that didn't mean they were friends. He zoned out as he was walking too his class, the hallways flooded with students. He got back to reality when he bumped into a boy. He was about an inch taller than Finney if he didn't have a habit of slouching his back but he had curly, dirty blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. "H-hey, are you.. uhh okay?" The boy asked politely with his hand out waiting for him to take it. "ohh uhh yeah! Sorry. I guess i zoned out a bit! y'know?" Finney felt awkward when he spoke but the boy smiled as he helped him up. "Don't worry, do you um- Hang out with me at Break? You don't have too... I just see you all alone sleeping or something by the tree out there." He was confused for a second but replied, "Sure, of course." The boy smiled, "I'm Griffin by the way. And i know what your name is everybody knows you just not in a good way." Finney laughed. You could see how this Griffin Kid is a talker, he thought of Gwen since she talked a lot. "Are you in my class?" Finney asked. "Oh uhh, you have Maths with Mr Robinson right?" He nodded and Griffin took his hand dragging him. "Well we don't wanna be late! Let's go!" Finney let himself be dragged listening to his new friend laugh as they got to the classroom.

Maths was easy for Finney, he already done these lessons when before he got into the past. So he didn't listen to the teacher talk for ever on end about it. Griffin was sitting next to him watching him doodle in his sketch-book. "woah..." Griffin admired The drawing Finney made, "That's.. Awesome! Who did you draw?" He was dumb, it looks exactly like him but in his style. Finney looked up and replied, "It's.. you. You seem like a kind kind and you look really cool and stuff so i wanted to draw you." Griffin smiled like he got the biggest surprise ever. "Thank you. You are so my friend now! Like, your so sweet!! Who wouldn't be friends?" he paused, "Sorry! But we should listen now." Griffin looked back to the front as Finney wrote answers and working out to make sure it looks like he tried, smiling as he knew he had a chance to save the boy.

RING! RING! The bell rang signalling class was over. Griffin looked at Finney, "Lets eat together at lunch." He nodded and hugged the boy as a goodbye. They both left and went to there classes. Today was interesting atleast he thought. His next class was Art, it was in one of his Top 3 until 3 boys called his name. "Finneyy." "Hey Finney" "Finney." It was Matty, Buzz and Matt they were leaning against their lockers. He hated them, Finney started walking faster getting to the boys bathroom the three speeding up their pace to not loose track of him. Finney went to last stall like always, putting his bag off and he tried to hide himself in the stall. He heard the restroom door open, he stayed as quiet as he could. "Finney, come out dickweed." "Yeah Finney, come out or do you want to get a worse beating today , fag?" The other one chuckled as he went closer to all the stalls trying to open them to see which one he is in. All of them opened except the last one. "Get out the last stall, hiding wont help you get stronger." Finney stayed in the stall he knew he was going to get beaten anyways.

One of the three climbed into the stall. It was Matty, the tallest in the group. He was known as a bully but also known as for trying to be friends with Vance Hopper but failing (HC). Finney looked scared, he didn't want to look scared though, he didn't want to be called the weakest boy in the school like he already does. "Scared?" Matty asked with a slight laugh coming across while he unlocked the bathroom stall. Finney wanted to say something he said to The Grabber when he was abducted so he did. "If you touch me, i will scratch your face." They chuckled. "You cant even scratch me, your only a weakling. You can't even through a punch." He said as the others agreed but Finney got pushed onto the floor. They kicked him as hard as they could trying to aim at the ribs, they possibly did since he couldn't breath properly after but the door opened they all stopped and looked. It was Robin, Robin Arellano. "What do you think your doing?" He asked, he looked like he just had enough. His knuckles were bleeding, maybe from the fight this morning. The bullies looked a him up and down, He didn't care. "Walk away from the boy." He commanded but they never listened. "Walk away from him." He said again putting his hand into a fist. The three walked away but Robin made them stop. "Fuck with him again, i fuck with you." They all side eyed each other and stayed still. "You can leave now." They left and Finney was still on the floor, his nose bleeding, marks scattered everywhere, bruises and possibly a broken rib. Although, he didn't care. It hurt but he didn't care. Its not how bad The Grabber or his own dad would hurt him.

"You okay?" Finney asked looking at Robins knuckles. Robin nodded but then said," What about you? You look like they got you pretty bad." Finney laughed, "It's fine, they do this a lot." Robin frowned as he picked him up, dragging him to the nurses office. "I don't need to be here y'know!" Finney cried. "You do, look at you." He said as he knocked at the door. A lady dressed in blue opened the door, worried covered her face. "Oh.. my. What happened now Finney?" she asked and Finney frowned, "The normal reason." She nodded as he helped him get on the chair. She also looked at Robin, "You need help with them knuckles?" She asked once again as she took care with the beaten up boy. "if you can, yes." He replied and she smiled. "Alright! Finney you can pop to lunch now, remember to be careful, you have been hurt enough today i don't need you again for the second time." He laughed awkwardly as he said bye. It was only Robin and the Nurse now. "He's a sweety isn't he?" she asked. "I guess." He replied. She finished with rapping the fighters knuckles. "There you go son!" she said in the kindest tone ever. He left the room and went to lunch.

Finney walked to the cafeteria, he didn't bother to get anything today, he will just make himself a sandwich at home. He remembered something. Griffin! Where could he be? The cafeteria is full of people already. Suddenly, a pair of hands touched his shoulder. He quickly turned around and saw a boy, he looked like Griffin. "Did i scare you?" he asked. Finney replied, "yes, you did! now follow me." The boy nodded and walked behind him.

They ended up where all the trees at the back of the school field would be, Griffin would sometimes come here to hear the birds singing."i come here sometimes," he said sat down on the grass next to Finney. "That's nice, I personally come here because its peaceful and quiet." "Wanna hear some spicy things?" He (Griffin) said putting his hands through the blades of grass. "Sure, i'll tell you some too." Griffin smiled at Finney, "Well, y'know Lucy Thomas?" he asked. "I do, shes the 2nd most popular girl" "Yeah, apparently she fought with her best friend because her friend was kissing her crush." Finney laughed, "isnt her friend the 1st most popular girl here?" Griffin nodded. "So, apparently she got found making out with the physical education teacher to not do the lesson." Griffin was so shocked, "No way..." "Yes way! - I swear he looked at girls feet in Gymnastics..." They both laughed and eventually Griffins head was on his new friends shoulder and his head was on Griffin's head. They both stayed quiet, listening to the birds. 

I honestly got these ideas from different fanfics that ive read over time and re read so i'm not THAT original 🤓 Anyway, if there is any mistakes or anything i could improve on feel free to tell xoxo

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