Chapter 15

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The sun had just risen over the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the vibrant kingdom of Mementia. Our journey had lasted a month until we reached the borders of the Mementia Kingdom, the land of mages. When we arrived at their gate, we were asked who we were and what our business was inside Mementia. Their security was tight, probably due to the threat posed by that impostor. Harbin explained to the palace guards that we were merely travelers seeking a place to stay. The mages didn't immediately believe Harbin, but he assured them they could subject us to a purity test. The purity test was a magic specifically created by mages to check if one harbored evil intentions towards their kingdom. The three of us were cleared, and they allowed us to enter.

My heart fluttered with excitement as we finally arrived on the bustling streets filled with magic and wonder. Harbin, Don, and I strolled through the streets, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by the liveliness around me. Colorful tents lined the cobblestone paths, and performers, both magical and acrobatic, wowed the crowds with their awe-inspiring acts. The fire dancers, with their elegant movements, captured my attention as they twisted and twirled flames with grace. Harbin chuckled at my fascination, and Don, ever vigilant, kept watch over our surroundings. We enjoyed most of the shows until exhaustion began to set in. During our journey from Zygeria to Mementia, we only rested for a bit and then continued traveling. Even the horses that we bought in Zygerria died in the middle of our journey due to exhaustion.

It was already four in the afternoon when we finally found a welcoming inn called 'The Lucky Marigold Inn'. Before we took a rest, the three of us had a delicious dinner. The night passed uneventfully, and the next morning, I couldn't wait to immerse myself once again in the wonders of Mementia. Harbin decided to rest and take care of our belongings, while Don offered to accompany me to ensure my safety. As if I needed company to ensure I'm safe.

The city's market was a spectacle of colors and aromas. I bought many things, especially the essentials we needed like clothes, ointments, tents, and food. I hopped from one stall to another, admiring the intricate crafts and unique treasures on display. While browsing through a collection of gemstones, I accidentally collided with a mysterious figure wearing a black cloak. "My apologies," I said, steadying myself.

The hooded woman smiled warmly, revealing bright blue eyes that seemed to hold secrets from ages past. "No need to apologize, child. I see the future, and it was destined for our paths to cross," the woman said.

Curiosity burned within me, and at the same time, my eyes lit up with excitement as I asked, "You can see the future?" The woman nodded. "Can you tell me what lies ahead for us in Thelea?" I didn't know why those words came out of my mouth; I knew asking about the future of a land was taboo, as it would only bring disasters to the land.

The woman's gaze grew intense, and she whispered in a haunting tone, "Blood of Theleans, blood of the dead. The goddess will rise after her death."

My heart skipped a beat, and I exchanged a perplexed look with Don. "What does that mean? What goddess?"

The woman's eyes seemed to drift into the distance, lost in visions beyond our comprehension. "The prophecy speaks of ancient powers and secrets buried in the heart of Thelea. It foretells of a bloodline intertwining with the fallen and the awakening of a long-forgotten deity after her mortal demise." Questions flooded my mind, but before I could inquire further, the woman's expression changed, and she lowered her voice even more. "Beware, for not all who seek the truth wish to see it revealed. Darkness veils the brightest light, and your path may become perilous."

Don stepped forward, his hand subtly resting on the hilt of his sword. "Who are you?" The woman's smile returned, and she placed a gentle hand on Don's arm, calming his apprehension. "I am Naereisa, a seer who has wandered Thelea for centuries, tasked with preserving the threads of fate. My intentions are pure, dear prince. I merely pass along the visions granted to me by the mystical forces that guide us all." I couldn't comprehend a thing she was saying; I wanted to inquire more, but the woman disappeared as if she had never been in front of us.

"Where did she go?" I asked, turning my head everywhere, but the woman was long gone. I decided not to mind what the woman said. What goddess? What prophecy? She's a seer? I guess she's just another swindler!

Don and I continued to buy the things we needed, including blankets to put inside our tents so that we could rest comfortably. We were still walking when I remembered something: it had been a month since we left Zygerria, and I hadn't been able to ask Don where Alaric's body was. I had asked Don to keep my identity a secret, so I didn't have the right to see the king's body. "Oh! By the way, Don, did you ask Dan where he would bury Alaric's body?" Don, who had been almost silent the whole time, stopped walking.

He was stunned, and fear started to creep into his eyes. "Father's body hasn't been found yet," Don replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at him fiercely and stepped towards him.

"I wanted to, but Dan told me not to tell anyone to prevent chaos from happening in Zygerria. You are our father's friend, but I did not tell Dan who you truly are. I only said that you are also looking for that impostor because your father also died at their hands," Don answered.

"What a loyal brother you are!" I mumbled.

"I know you will be devastated to know that father's body is gone, so I agreed with Dan immediately to keep it a secret," Don said. I did not argue further and just elevated my mood. If Alaric's body hasn't been found yet, then there is still a chance that he might be alive! Regardless of the uncertainty, I resolved to remain positive and focused on the journey ahead, seeking answers and uncovering the truth about the impostor who had caused so much pain and upheaval.

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