2. Cleanse

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Cleaning off oil, dirt, bacteria and makeup that builds up on your face by the end of the day is the greatest thing you can do for your face. It helps your skin to look radiant and super healthy!

How to cleanse:
~ the kindest way to cleanse your face is with a cream or lotion. Massage it on gently with your fingers then wipe it off with a soft cloth rinsed in warm water.
~ Creamy cleansers are good for all skin types. They remove excess oil without drying out your skin and leaving the right amount of natural oils.
~ There's no need to wash your face until it's squeaky clean. That strips away your face's natural oils that make your skin healthy and radiant. It also makes your skin produce more oil, reproducing a more oily and dirty face.
~ try not to scrub or irritate your face. It doesn't make it any cleaner but can damage your skin and make it tender,

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