6. Take Action In Spots

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Most teenagers and people get spots but that doesn't mean you have to put up with them. Everyone gets spots at sometime in their lives so there are a variety of solutions.

Spots are commonly caused by hormonal surges that hit during puberty. All those myths about eating too much junk food and wearing makeup are wrong. It has nothing to do with them. It is just simply a way of the body functioning.

How to beat spots:
~ get into the habit of cleansing your face. As simple as it sounds, cleansing the face clears pores and removing any excess oils and dirt. Following a daily routine helps to control spots too, cleansing and moisturising the face and leaving it fresh and clean.

~ if a routine doesn't help, try a stronger anti-spot medication. Most medications are available I've there counter and often contain either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acids to eliminate spots. These medications are often meant to be used for 6 weeks non-stop so make sure to follow the instructions to achieve clear skin!

~ if your spots are still there, make sure to visit your doctor and they might have to prescribe a stronger medication or refer you to a dermatologist to receive your desired, clear, fresh skin!

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