3. Exfoliate

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Your skin is constantly producing new cells which slowly and gradually work their way to the top, die and fall off. You never really notice the, unless they stick together and come off in flakes like dandruff. Exfoliating clears away these old dead cells, keeping your face fresh and smooth.

How to exfoliate:
~ Use a flannel cloth to gently and cautiously exfoliate.
~ You could also use an exfoliating face scrub. There are so,e that are designed to be used everyday while others once or twice a week. If you do use a scrub, be sure to be gentle.
~ If your skin is oily, exfoliating will help keep your pores clear and smaller in size.
~ If your skin is dry, exfoliation makes the skin surface smoother so the moisturiser sinks in more and is more effective.

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