About Me! :)

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Hi guys!!
Since most of you probably don't know anything about me I thought I'd introduce myself a little bit better. So let's go!!

1. My full name is Leah Rose Smith
2. I was born June 29 1996 in London, England but my family moved to Melbourne when I was 10.
3. I have an older sister named Georgia and a baby sister named Ruby.
4. My favourite colour in the whole world would be turquoise.
5. My favourite animal is a tiger.
6. I have 2 dogs. A Rottweiler named Bruno and a Pomeranian named Fluff.
7. I am a qualified beautician and makeup artist.
8. I am a model for PMG modelling agency.
9. I co-own a fashion business called ExpressMe.
10. I naturally have brown hair and blue eyes.
11. I look up to my older sister.
12. I live by myself in a town house in Melbourne.
13. My biggest fear is not being able to have children.
14. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be my feet.
15. I am currently working on a new winter fashion line for ExpressMe.
16. My baby sister is only 3.
17. I'm 5'11" tall.
18. I'm naturally olive skin toned.
19. I drive a Jeep Cherokee Blackhawk.
20. My biggest wish is to have a complete and happy family when I'm older.

There you go guys!! That's 20 absolutely random facts about me!! I hope you guys feel like you sort of know me a bit better now and that I didn't complete bore you...

I'm going to be working on this advice book in between my 3 jobs. I also have a big shoot coming up and I'm doing the makeup for the juniors so I'm going to be super busy then! This is a side story from my modelling and working of my company so sorry in advance if I only update once or twice a week xx

Comment any questions or queries you have about beauty or advice or even about me and I'll answer them as soon as I possibly can x

You can keep updated on me via:
Instagram: leah_rose.96
Email: leah.rose.smith96@gmail.com
I'm thinking of making a Twitter so keep your eyes open for that!!

Thank you all again!!

I love you all xx

Byeeeee!! :)

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