Chapter Two

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When Silva had asked where she would start, she didn't think the mission would start as soon as she agreed, as of now she was being guided by Vader to a small interrogation room where her disguise waited for her.

"You are to keep you saber hidden."

"Yes master."

"You will be given a Jedi's saber for the mean time but do not rely on it. Last thing we need is you drawing attention to yourself."

"Yes master."

"Have you decided the name you will be going by?"

"Yes, I'll refer to myself as just Ava. Nobody but yourself and the Emperor know my true name."

"Don't get attached to the name. For you are Darth Silva. Understand?"

"Yes master."

"What am I to do if I encounter any hidden Jedi?" Silva found herself asking, even though she knew the answer.

"Kill them discreetly. If they are sided with the rebels then they are our enemy but don't expose yourself." She was right. Her top mission after all was to kill Jedi and rebels alike, the mission doesn't change just because she's being sent into the lions den. "Some force sensitives have the ability to sense the power the dark side provides, do your best to hide it like I've trained you to."

Vader just kept listing off after that. Running through all the training and methods he taught her and as the doors to interrogation room slid open to reveal two rebel prisoners Silva realised she had been trained for this mission since birth. "Thanks to these two, we have all the information we need to get you into the alliance without suspicion..." The Sith Lord stepped forward and ripped an insignia for the rebel alliance from one of the prisoners jackets.
"This should help you." He commented as Silva took it from his hand, studying the badge under the light.

"Please...I told you already...I-I bought that jacket at market place on Takodana." A prisoner spoke up, his bright blonde hair slightly tainted with his own blood. "A jacket which belonged to a rebel, you also said that rebels sometimes pass through the system. Did you not?" Darth Vader finished off with a question that the blonde man dare not answer. Without so much as another breath, Vader decapitated the man across from the blonde guy.

Silence was all that could be heard as the head bounced to the floor and rolled until it hit Silva's feet. The apprentice looked up at her master who was already holding the blonde guy by his scalp. "Your name?" Vader asked to which the man looked taken aback. "Swift." Silva could've sworn he heard Vader compress a laugh. "Well...Swift, you're going to give my apprentice your clothes." Swift gave Vader a confused look but when the Sith gave a particularly rough tug on his hair, he was more than willing to comply.

After a few painful minutes of Swift stripping down to his undergarments, all of his clothes were in a pile on the floor. Silva had to compress the urge to even smile throughout the ordeal, afraid her master might sense her amusement and use it against her. He'd done it before, he would do it again.

"Tell me about Takodana." Silva ordered Swift, keeping her voice calm but stern. "Screw you." Silva sighed before approaching him and placing her hand on his head. Then, Swift was screaming as Silva used the force to increase the pressure in his head. To him, it felt like weight was being added to his brain and too much would crush him from the inside out.

"I won't ask again. Tell me about Takodana." Silva moved her hand away and gave Swift a moment to recollect his thoughts. "I swear there isn't much to tell! Just keep to yourself and nobody will bother you." Swift spat out his words like vomit, his anxiety evident.

"Who is in charge?" Silva asked pushing him further for answers.

"Maz Kanata. I'd stay clear of her."

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