Chapter Eight

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The mission to Scarif was approved. Despite many days of the Generals arguing amongst themselves and Silva having to convince them over and over that her information was good. Technically speaking, she had betrayed the Empire to further her mission. Something that she would have answer for.

The chiming from the hidden device under her bunk told her just as much. The signal to contact her master.

Luckily, everyone was packing up to leave for the mission so she had enough time to slip away. However if she were gone for too long someone would definitely take notice. With a deep sigh, she checked her surroundings and answered the call. Her master appearing in front her.

Before she could even greet him, her throat closed of its own accord. She knew she was choking but she made no move to stop it. Vader had taught her better than to react. "Do you have any idea what you have done? You have given the enemy a chance at victory!" Silva had heard Vader angry before but it had been some time since he'd been that furious. One wrong word and he might just kill her, mission be damned.
"Explain yourself." Suddenly, all the air rushed back to her lungs. With a few laboured breaths she straightened her posture.

"I had to secure my place amongst them. What better way than to dangle our Achilles heel in front of them. This gives you an opportunity to counter attack."

"And your plan?"

"Let them take the plans. Not without a fight, I warned them how heavily armed the planet would be. Then whilst they are distracted with the possibility of victory, you can use the chaos to your advantage."

"What are you suggesting?"

"I need to be on that planet. Not as Ava. These Jedi have knowledge about me and if they begin to notice that there's been no sightings of Darth Silva, people will start asking questions." Vader was silent for a few moments, his mechanical breathing sending chills down Silva's spine.

She had thought over her plan for Scarif over and over. If she slipped away during the battle in the ground, nobody would notice. That was if her master did what she was requesting and cause as much chaos on the surface as possible.

"When do the rebels plan to attack?"

"They're planning to leave within the hour."

"How many?"

"Enough to leave a mark if the forces were wiped out." Vader pondered for a moment in deep thought. Silva didn't dare move an inch or breathe until he spoke again. "You will meet Lilith on Scarif. From there, what you do is none of my concern, so long as you kill at least one of the Jedi. Fail me again and I will see to your execution personally."

"Yes master."

Silva let out a nervous breath the second the hologram disappeared, running her hand across her sore throat. She was hoping he wouldn't ask her to kill any of the Jedi. That in itself would make her job a lot harder even though she would be behind a mask.

She stepped out from the supply closet she had enclosed herself in and began her trek back to the Ghost. With every step she thought harder and harder about which one she would kill.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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