Chapter Five

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Once the ship Maz had prepared was finally ready, the trio spent no time hanging around. Ahsoka and Beatrice were keen on reuniting with their allies sooner, the longer they roamed the more danger they put themselves in. A point that was proven since they had picked up Silva to accompany them.

Leading the wolf right to the chicken coop.

"It has two tail guns. One up top, which does have limited rotation, I can only shoot forward and at its side. The one down below does the opposite, shoots towards the rear instead of forwards. However, I has a newly installed Ion Cannon. Should help in sticky situations." Maz explained as she guided the trio into their ship. It was a relatively small transport that looked to be from the days of the Republic. Only differences were the weapon modifications, a stronger hyperdrive and most of the electronics had been tampered with.

The inside was humble, only held what was needed which included small portions of rations, spare parts and wiring in case something broke. However what really drew Silva's eye was the wall of weapons to the room behind the cockpit. "There's enough explosives on board to wipe out us and a fleet." She commented out loud, with a small smile on her face.

Silva always had a fascination with weaponry.

"I thought you all would appreciate some added support." Maz replied as she walked out the room toward the cockpit. "We do." Beatrice said with genuine gratitude. Maz smiled before standing aside and allowing the three to step inside the cockpit, a total of four seats.

The setup was nothing special but Silva could see there were some added features all over. Another courtesy of Maz Kanata.

While Maz went on to explain the key features about the ship itself, Silva felt her gaze drift toward the young padwan learner. Beatrice was rather quiet. She only spoke when spoken too or times when it seems her thoughts are being spoken aloud. Silva had tried many times to use her abilities to look beyond her exterior, to see what made her tick but each time she came up short. Beatrice was almost unreadable because the most Silva could ever sense from her was emotion.

She couldn't explain it but Beatrice emotions seemed to always betray her impenetrable armour.

It reminded her very loosely of her master. Vader was very difficult to understand. All her life, Silva had tried so many different ways to read him and each time, she failed. Her master was cold and sinister, he had no mercy for anyone. Not even his apprentice, who he had been training since she was able to walk and understand basic speech.

There were times when his emotions betrayed him too. At moments, Silva sensed pride when she completed a mission given to her, disappointment when she failed. In some ways he was the only father figure Silva had, whilst he never directly cared for her he instead moulded her into the person she was.

"Ava? Did you hear what I said?" Ahsoka asked, breaking her from her train of thought. "Sorry, my mind was elsewhere. What did you say?" The two Jedi gave her a strange look before they took a seat in the cockpit. Ahsoka the pilot, Beatrice the co-pilot. "I said get strapped in, we're leaving now." She repeated and Ava just nodded before doing as she was told. Sitting behind Beatrice. "Where is it we are going?" Silva asked curiously. "Alderaan. The last time I made contact with her she was on the planet to meet with some Senators. I have a feeling she might still be there." Silva had never been to Alderaan but from what she had heard, they were meant to be loyal to the Empire.

There were always whispers of them being sympathisers but never solid proof. Now, Silva had her first true lead.

"Who's she?" Silva inquired further.

"General Hera Syndulla. A great friend of mine and one of the best pilots I know. Her and her crew have done wonders for the galaxy." Ahsoka praised and Silva took mental notes of all the key information. "I'll take your word for it." Was the last thing spoken before they took off, leaving Takodana.

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