Chapter Three

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Ahsoka was intrigued by Ava, the way she carried herself spoke of a certain confidence. Also how the force rolled off her in waves, it was almost suffocating. She wasn't sure if Ava knew she was force sensitive or if she was just hiding like they were but Ahsoka felt the overwhelming need to help. In whatever way she could to make sure that Ava would harness the power correctly.

Ahsoka has witnessed first hand what that kind of power can do in the hands of the wrong person. Or rather, in hands of just the right person.

Anakin Skywalker. One of the most powerful Jedi ever seen and the greatest pilot and generals she herself had ever witnessed. Anakin was known as a very determined, stubborn and rather reckless. Ahsoka knew him to be more, he was kind, protective of those he cared about and ultimately a good man. Anakin was also her old master who taught her everything she knew.

Their adventures were rough on both the body and mind but out of it, came an unbreakable bond between them. Even after she left the Jedi Order and Anakin behind, she could still feel his love for her from across the galaxy. Until the day the Clones turned their weapons onto the very people they fought beside. The Jedi were purged across the galaxy, not even the children were spared.

Anakin was lost that day also. Corrupted by the dark side and obsessed with putting a stop to the death of Padme Amidala, the old Queen of Naboo and also Anakin's wife. They kept their relationship a secret since it was forbidden for Jedi to have any form of attachment but Ahsoka wasn't stupid, people close to them knew the truth.

After Padme died a true monster was born, something that Ahsoka had seen brew inside him but turned a blind eye too. Darth Vader. Countless had died by his hand and the person Ahsoka thought she knew, disappeared forever.

"You alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost." Ahsoka snapped out from her thoughts and looked over to Silva who was giving her a concerned look. They were currently walking through the woods around the castle, taking mental notes of different escape routes and hiding spots. "Just reminiscing. I can't help but do that a lot." Ahsoka admitted with a chuckle but placing her hands behind her back. "Mind if I ask you something?" Silva hummed in response. "Why exactly are you running from the Empire?" Silva took a moment before she went to respond. Using the time to put some more bricks around her mind to hide her thoughts.

"Like I said, I just want a normal life as far away from here as possible. With the Empire I'll never be able to have that."

"I don't think life with ever be normal so long as the Empire has control of the galaxy."

"You might be right but who am I if I don't try?"

"Why don't you do what some are deciding to do?"

"What? Fight back? At what cost? Everything?" Silva ranted off the questions making Ahsoka think harder as she articulated a response. She found herself coming up short, she had no guarantee that they could win.

"Hope." Silva looked past Ahsoka and made eye contact with Beatrice who had been silent throughout their exchanges. "What would life be without hope?" Beatrice asked Silva staring so deep into her that Silva truly thought she could see everything she had ever witnessed. It had such intensity that Siova almost looked away. "You speak like people who have already decided what they are going to do." Silva noted with a small grin and the two laughed nervously.

"And have you?" Ahsoka chipped in as Silva stopped to lean against a nearby tree. "Not even close." Silva admitted. Before they had a chance to delve deeper into conversation, a loud rustle from behind a bush closest to Beatrice. All three of their heads darted in its direction, listening closer for any further movement. Silence.

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