Chapter Seven

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Silva watched as Kanan trained with Ezra. The young boy had asked her to swing by to see him in action, a perfect opportunity for her to analyse the Jedi's abilities. From what she had seen so far the only ones that cause a threat to her were Ahsoka, Kanan and potentially Beatrice, if she were fully trained.

Her masters orders were clear, she were to kill any or all hiding Jedi or force sensitives. She herself didn't see the point in such an act, it would raise too much suspicion and blow her cover entirely. Silva decided to ignore the order the second she duelled Ahsoka and Beatrice. If her mission went well, they would all die anyway.

Her attention snapped back when Kanan knocked Ezra off balance with the force during their own little duel. Silva could see Kanan holding back the entire time but Ezra was decent enough at defensive techniques. In a real battle, Ezra would most probably die.

"What did you do wrong?" Kanan asked simply as Ezra sat up from where he had landed on the balcony. Bail being generous enough to give them a huge courtyard for them to train on. "I was too focus on attacking." Ezra answered with a frustrated tone, making Kanan sigh. "You're too impatient and quick to aggression. You need to stay centred and keep your feelings in check. Fighting with anger leads you down the path to the dark side." Ezra nodded in acknowledgement as he stood up and got back into his stance. "Let me try again." Was all he said before they were back to it.

"You looking for a lesson?" Silva turned to her left to see Ahsoka looking at her with a friendly grin. "Unfortunately no, Ezra asked me to stop by to see his progress." She answered honestly as the elder came and stood beside her.

"So what do you think?"

"He's got great potential. The force is strong with him."

"It's strong with you too." Silva wasn't expecting the upfront approach but she expected Ahsoka would be able to tell she wasn't any ordinary force wielder. "I've noticed." Silva responded calmly, she needed to tread carefully with her words. One wrong sentence could expose too much. "I also know that you aren't self taught. I'm not mad, after all we are technically still strangers, you can talk to me."

A half truth was the only way out of situation, so she'd have to make it as close to complete honesty as she could if Ahsoka would believe her.

"My master...I never knew their name if I'm being honest. They were stern and worked me to the bone. I ate, slept and breathed training. Until one day, we parted ways. They said my path led elsewhere. I don't know whether they're dead or alive."

"You make it sound like your master wasn't the most pleasant."

"They weren't. We'd duel until the sun rose and they didn't pull back, it was simple, live or die."

"Did they also know how strong the force is with you?"

"Yes, it's why they were so hard on me. According to them, I needed discipline in order to control myself."

"That's true but there are much better methods than through violence. I'm sorry you went through that." Ahsoka placed a hand on her shoulder and Silva had to restrain the instinct to flinch. A very bad habit she had been trying to be rid of for years. "Yes well, what's done is done." Silva looked back up at the two training in front of her. Deep down she envied Ezra, Vader would never care for her the way a master should. "If you wanted, I could teach you some of those other methods. You never know, they might just help." A very dangerous proposition that could reveal just how extensively she was trained. However Silva would not pass up the chance to gain strength. "I might take you up on that." Ahsoka seemed pleased with her agreement before her demeanour turned more serious.

"So, the storm trooper story? Was it a complete lie?"

"No. After I parted ways, I found myself enrolling into the academy. It was either that or take my chances in the Outer Rim. I didn't see any other choice for myself at the time."

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