Chapter Four

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A few days had passed since Silva agreed to join Ahsoka and Beatrice on their journey, they had spent the time helping out Maz with whatever tasks she needed done, preparing supplies for their travel and the odd training sessions.

The sessions were mainly aimed toward Beatrice but Silva was assigned to be her duelling partner. The Sith did not make it easy to beat her but there was moments when even Beatrice could catch Silva off guard, the potential the young Jedi had made Silva uneasy.

Beatrice's connection to the force was strong and under Ahsoka's guidance it would only get stronger.

Currently, Silva was sat beneath a tree watching as Beatrice trained with a small droid that shot lasers at her. She was blindfolded and had mufflers over her ears, relying only on the force to guide her hand. "Have you always been Beatrice's master?" Silva found herself asking. Ahsoka, who was sat beside her let a small grin overtake her features. "I found her on my travels. Believe it or not, she was a scavenger who was wanted on her planet for all kinds of theft. I saved her from a death sentence and it sort of just spiralled from there." Ahsoka recounted and Siova found herself surprised.

"I would have thought she was a politicians daughter or something. She carries herself in a very...proper manner."

"Your instincts are sharp. Her family are diplomats but she abandoned them long ago."

"How come?"

"They are sympathisers with Emperor Palpatine. In fact, they work rather closely with him and believe the Empire to be the saviours."

"In that case, I don't blame her for running." Ahsoka hummed in agreement. Silva leaned her head back into the tree and looked over at the master. "So what is your story?" Silva asked and watch the smile slowly fade from her face. "A very long one. I'm afraid we might not have the time." Silva cursed internally, the more information she had on the two Jedi, the more she can report back to Vader with. She was ordered to check in once every couple of weeks, or whenever she could.

Silva had enough information to go off of but the backstory of someone like Ahsoka would do so much more.

"Well who taught you the ways of the force? I should thank them honestly, you gave me a run for my money." Silva joked but the expression Ahsoka wore spoke volumes. "His name was Anakin Skywalker. He's not with us anymore."

"I've heard of him. From the stories I heard he was a great man." Silva had only heard of Anakin a few times in her life and when she asked Vader about him, he called Anakin weak and even admitted to killing him. Everyone else she asked spoke of a strong Jedi, the chosen one.

"He was. Losing him was what put the Empire in power."


"Well it was definitely a big stepping stone. If he were still here, I'm sure the Empire wouldn't have such a hold over the galaxy." Silva watched as Ahsoka picked at the ground beneath her, she could feel the anguish rolling off her in waves. Anakin Skywalker meant a great deal to her.

"Please tell me to back off if you want but, did you know him personally?" Ahsoka looked over at her in a sort of warning. "I only ask because...I can feel you pain." Silva admitted and Ahsoka sighed before closing her eyes in thought.

"Originally, Obi-Wan Kenobi was to be my Master. However, Master Yoda had other plans and assigned me to Anakin. He had never had a Padwan before and it all happened in the middle of the Clone Wars. So he didn't take to the whole idea at first, our relationship was a little rocky to begin with."

"But then?"

"We became almost inseparable for a long time. That ended when I turned my back on the Order and I left Anakin to pursue my own path."

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