Chapter Six

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"We don't have time to sit here and debate!"


"No. Every second we wait the Empire grows stronger. We have the opportunity to finally bring the fight to them but, instead you all want to sit back."

"That's not what's happening here. We just don't have the intel or manpower for an effective attack. Let's be rational here."

"Rational? Since when have we ever been rational?" Before the other person had a chance to reply a droid entered the room. Cutting off the heated exchange between Hera Syndulla and Bail Organa. "Senator Organa, we have received an incoming transmission from an approaching vessel. They gave the name Fulcrum." The droid announced which made all of Hera's anger dissipate. "Ahsoka and Beatrice? It's about time." Hera giggled as she ran out the room making the Senator shake his head.

"Give her permission to land." Bail ordered to which the droid acknowledged before leaving him back to his thoughts. Thoughts that stayed focused on the one fact of the day. They had a mole in the Empire.

Hera had made it to the landing dock in record time, the last time she saw Ahsoka and Beatrice, they were leaving on a mission to confirm that they indeed had a mole inside the Empire. Nobody had heard from them in a week, everyone thought they were lost or dead but Hera and the Ghost team held out hope.

All her prayers were answered.

"I came as soon as I heard. Is it true?" Ezra, the youngest member of her team asked as he slowed to a stop beside her. His breathing ragged like he had ran just as fast as Hera did. "They used the name Fulcrum, it's them." She couldn't accept it if the two Jedi's didn't walk off the now landing ship.

Time came to an almost pause as the door opened, revealing Ahsoka and Beatrice. Who were scanning the area for anyone they could recognise. It wasn't until Hera felt Ahsoka's arms around her that reality set in.

"Don't you dare scare me like that again." Hera ordered making Ahsoka chuckle.

"It's good to see you too." Ahsoka let go of Hera to turn to Ezra who was practically bouncing on his toes in excitement. "Bring it in." Ezra jumped into her arms with a laugh. The twos hug didn't last long because he jumped off Ahsoka and straight onto Beatrice. "Missed you little man." Beatrice mumbled into his shoulder as she leant down to return the embrace.

"I hate to cut things short but we're really pressed on time. Tell me you've got good news."

"I have good news." Ahsoka smiled widely before Ezra coughed awkwardly. "Who's that?" He asked pointing toward Silva who had been stood behind Ahsoka the whole time. "This is Ava, a very interesting young woman." The eldest introduced to which Silva smiled shyly before her hand was being shook. "My names Ezra. A friend of these two are a friend of mine."

Ezra was young but his energy around him gave off such maturity. Silva could tell the boy had seen plenty combat and was strong with the force. Much like Beatrice only, his path is much more clear than hers. Silva knew Ezra was going to do marvellous things one day.

"It's a pleasure." Silva gave Ezra a quick wink before making eye contact with Hera, who seemed to be extra interested in her. "You must be General Syndulla. Ahsoka speaks very highly of you." Silva decided to suck up a little, after all fooling a rebellion general would make her master very pleased.

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